
He definitely fucks.

I don't think this article series has ever not pissed me off in someway. For instance, completely agree with everything said about this song and Maroon 5. But the bit about Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros? They're not trying to fake being southern, it's tongue-in-cheek acknowledgement of the giant tradition of

Some of South Park's dummy ideas are some of their most memorable though, gotta say. Crab people was certainly memorable.

Ocean's 12 is a classic case of Hollywood saying, "Oh you liked the original? Well this sequel is just like that, but more!" They didn't need three heists all over the world, they needed one really good, really complex one, that is well-developed with enemies you care about seeing lose.

If I have to say it once, I have to say it a thousand times, Mark Rufallo is not Jesus.

That first one was one of the most offensively stupid movies I've ever watched.

Good to see he's parlaying OJ into some more work. He was so crazy good as Cochran.

Is it still going to be at all related to the space native Americans? Cause if it is I'm uninterested.

Nah not Daryl. The show's writers are pansies, they never make any move against favorite characters.

I found it incredibly distracting. I didn't pay attention to that scene at all, I'm just sitting there like, "Who the fuck just wakes up eating an apple? Did they finally start the still up?"

Why did Rick just wake up eating an apple in bed?

Well, he is a white guy. There's a reason why diversity in directing/producing is just as important as who's on the screen.

I felt the same way about Archer Vice, but they marathoned it in advance of this recently and I ended up getting sucked in an laughed my ass off. And I love in Season 6 how Krieger is clearly now one of the other clones and is covering himself really well.

If you can adequately answer the question, "What is funny?" then I will concede the point.

They always hype it, but D+D said something along the lines of, "You all expect us to say something like this, but the show sells itself now, and we honestly don't think there's a weak episode this entire season."


Damn corporations, always subverting democracy!!!

Ha! I know that's right. If Mr. Nancy were being played by a white guy I don't care if half the cast looked like Wesley Snipes, people would freak out.

So you want a predominantly black cast? You're misusing diversity.

What are you talking about? The main character is a black guy. Of course the guy who plays a Leprauchan and another guy who plays a Norse God would be white. But we have Mr. Nancy and the Egyptian gods still to come.