
Oh, I was thinking he would have been perfect for one of the new Gods, like Statistics or something.

So you're saying their ships had no moving parts? How did the special suits work on Arrakis? How did their shields work? How did the lasers work? Because they definitely had lasers, they just didn't use them because everything was shielded.

Humans didn't reject machines at all, how do you think they moved between worlds? They rejected artificial intelligence.

My biggest problem with Dune was that there wasn't much of a meaningful journey. He was so certain of his status as chosen one who will win the entire time that the stakes never really got all that high.


This is going to be fucking amazing. Anything less will be a disappointment at this point.

This show is something. I'm not sure if I'm enjoying it a lot or not at all.

Yes, well historically Rollo would have been born 50 years from now and would have been given Normandy because he had a threatening army of Northmen, not because he gave the Emperor technical advice. I really don't buy any of this Rollo plot, he's an invading barbarian, he doesn't pose any kind of threat now that his

LOL at all the butthurt fans below. Those movies sucked and the books sucked too. It's the same story, unnecessarily, in each book, and all of them were just a rip-off of better work that had already been written.

Man, we like basically the exact opposite parts of this show.

I loved the new Hedeby, don't know if they had shown it before. They definitely need to give Kattegat the same treatment.


I would love to watch the gang do a vaudevillian live show. I felt like that was essentially what this episode was. I loved it.

Good, I don't truck with historical epics with brown people in them, I don't care where it's set.

Unless every actor is white I'm not watching it.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that someone's parents being from China in 8th century Paris was unheard of. Marco Polo was a HUGE deal when he came back from the east with stories of China, and that was five centuries later.

I'm so glad we were able to stop those evil Templars from uniting the Holy Land into one multiethnic country that they would rule. Those evil bastards. Thank God we were able to restore the entire area to brutal Holy War. I'm sure they'll resolve that whole thing soon.

No, I totally get they're saying "Yea" but it sounds like "Yay" and comes across in a kind of jarring way a lot of the time.

That show was so awful on so many levels. I never got what any of the characters motivations were. The main character seemed to sort of forget about his wife being killed at one point. The mystery of the religious people was super distracting. The creator's wife's terrible "gypsy" accent was, well terrible. The weird

Yeah, but she was captured in Paris, and seems to be a proud Parisian. A Magyar maybe? Like I said I don't object to her presence, I'd just like the show to acknowledge that it's kind of weird, and maybe give her a little backstory.