
Yeah I was not buying that bear fight for a second. The bear just didn't look angry.

I gotta say, watching Rockey IV right before this was a little too much. The only thing missing from Bjorn's mountain cabin "going super saiyan" scenes was John Cafferty singing Hearts on Fire.

Nicki Minaj would be great as Bilquis, I love that idea.

It's like all Neil Gaiman works, first he builds a world full of mystery, then he slowly unveils the mysery. Lakeside could probably be cut though.

I edited so now your comment makes no sense, ha YES victory is mine!

If there's one thing about the BLM debate I've learned, the correct response from white people is to respectfully listen and nod your head. Don't share your political views, don't write longs songs about being an ally, just listen respectfully and consider the viewpoint when other racial issues arise.

Pokemon: a game where children are cast into the wild by their parents to subdue, train and ultimately fight vicious animals for blood sport.

Did anyone watch The Comedians? It wasn't great but it seemed like it was figuring itself out towards the end. I kind of enjoyed it.

Emily Blunt is far too much of a badass at this point. I don't like it.

The whole thing was shameful. "Where's my OJ prize!"

They got all the lawyers on board. Setting up the trial drama.

It's called confirmation bias and it doesn't make them bad people, it makes them people.

This was literally the first episode where I wasn't immediately hungry for the next one. Good table setting though. Maybe it's because they played so many clips from it in the promos.

Man, Ironman's actual strategy was to push the giant robot into an office building. Screw collateral damage, that was purposeful damage.

I have too, several times. I can't watch Jay Baruchel search for love, he made that god awful movie back in the day too, same story.

It would make a billion freakin dollars.

At this point in their lives Charlie has way more going for him than the waitress.

Practically an endorsement.

I'm not watching Man Seeking Woman damnit! Jay Baruchel sucks!

This was the only episode thus far this season that I really, deeply enjoyed. Fresh, original storytelling in the world of the boys. I know most everyone liked that last episode, and I appreciate it for it's merits, but dogs dying of neglect just doesn't do it for me. The infamous Futurama episode just pisses me off.