
Terminator is my go to for this complaint. Because it's a world wide robot takeover. Presumably the robots are fighting humanity on every continent around the world. Why not make a movie set in the Terminatorverse that is around the Canary Islands Freedom Fighters (spared the nuclear annihilation that kicked off this

Why does Hollywood insist on building really cool worlds, then telling the exact same stories within them over and over and over again? I don't object to sequels, it's just the focus on repeating the same story slightly differently that annoys me.

But… but.. without these roles how would Megan Fox have a career??? Do you not care for Megan Fox's professional success???

Great! I can't stand that milquetoast Trevor Noah or Larry Wilmore's smarmy bullshit and I need cursing from my late night entertainment, so sorry Colbert. Thank God there's someone with some bite who can deliver a line in late night again!

I like Leonardo DiCaprio.

When I went to Colorado it was like $25 a g, after legalization. I went to Oregon and it was $25 an eighth. So very different.

I still smoke weed from time to time, just not when I wake up… and get off work… and two hours after that… and two hours after that… then once before bed… I really wish it was legal so I could smoke from time to time without buying an eighth at a time. Visiting my cousins in Oregon, and just getting a joint when I

Denver is going to get spanked. They aren't going to be able to pressure Cam with their 3-4, as good as it is, and the Panthers D is going to kill Old Manning.

I have never seen a Coen Brothers movie that I fully liked the first time I watched it. The Big Lebowski didn't reach great status for me until the third viewing. Maybe Fargo but that's about it. So I'll take this with a grain of salt.

SyFy is on point nowadays. 12 Monkeys and The Expanse are great, the Magicians is good pulp too.

Centuries of crime and redlining have done their job. The city population has been dropping in the poorest, blackest areas for a decade now. Meanwhile Canton, Mt Vernon, and Fed Hill have been booming. Like all maps of Baltimore this population change map shows an incredibly stark neighborhood by neighborhood divide.

No, not really. South Baltimore is booming. Not sure when the last time you were there but it kind of done-been gentrified. High end condos, the works. There hasn't been a murder on the Fed Hill side of Middle Branch in two years (Cherry Hill is still Cherry Hill). And UnderArmour isn't leaving Tide Point, they're

I don't mind make-up Oscars, and Leo should have definitely beaten Matthew McConaughey for Wolf of Wall Street and Dallas Buyer's Club respectively.

OK, so they're the great eastern menace. Similarly very British. Either way, there should be like five each at least in India and China, considering population. I mean, the Chinese buy into mysticism more than anyone anyway. Those poor rhinos…

No way! Venture Brothers is tonight?!?!

Yeah fuck those guys, Anchor Drops is a great song.

The general point was that we have no way of knowing one way or another what Jesus looked like. The Helenic world was a fluid one, with Phoenecian traders reaching as far as Iberia and Greek settlements from Syracuse to the Black Sea. We don't know if Jesus was even a Galilean Semite, maybe he was part of an immigrant

Yeah, that's basically what I was going for. It makes as much sense to say Jesus was not white as it does to say Jesus was white.

So one each in Germany, France and England; and one each for the entire continents of South America, Africa and North America. How incredibly European of JK Rowling.