
And everything any scholar has ever said is a refinement of the work of other people. We stand on the shoulders of giants.

The dude has like five PhDs. Disagree with him if you will but he is a scholar.

I was basing my description of Jesus as almost definitely white (a better term would have been light-skinned) off the earliest representations of him. But regardless, my point wasn't so much to say, "Hey Jesus is white! Go white people!" as to say that race is fluid, the racial make-up of the region is unknown, and

Never read Philip K Dick, but love the movies based off his works, anyone got a good primer recommendation for me?

I like jam band music and his band kills it live. There I'm outed, shame me as you will. He's a funky motherfucker and you all can sucks it.

Touche my friend, touche.

Hey they started it by saying he wasn't white, if Macedonians were blond haired and blue eyed, and we have no first-hand description of what he looked like, how can we say he wasn't anything in between white and black?

One dost not speak of The Last Airbender in polite company.

Linda Hunt is fantastic.

George Washington never told a lie, you know. I think it's much more likely Noah, Jesus and Moses were all real leaders who were given mythological characteristics, as human beings are wont to do.

Origin story, with the virgin birth and manger etc? Most definitely a myth. But he was almost certainly a real person. I like Reza Aslan's theory, that Jesus was a zealot leader who proposed peaceful resistance as opposed to an armed uprising.

The term most commonly used to differentiate from Hispanics is Anglo, if anyone from the AV Club cares about proper nomenclature.

God I hate being this guy, but Jesus probably was almost definitely white. Alexander the Great was blue eyed and blond. The probability that a man who was historically depicted as white (as in 2nd century Cappadocian mosaics) throughout his history, who was a couple hundred miles away from a people who had blond hair

Jebus. I'm in a similar boat. People say Baltimore is so violent, I've lived here my entire life and I only know of one person from my hometown over decades that ever had a serious run-in with crime. Of course you hear about this stuff on the news, but if it never, ever affects your life, why should that effect my

Some Devil came out my brother's senior year of high school, which I remember got a bunch of airplay. There was a video project one of his friends did they were watching and in EVERY FUCKING SCENE Dave Matthews was playing.

When was this written, 2002? DMB fan jokes, Seinfeld references?

Mt Vernon, Calvert and E Preston, train to DC everyday.

Catherine Pugh is currently polling at the top. She's decent enough. I'm either voting for her, Elizabeth Embry (I know her father) or David Warnock.

I've talked to many Africans about it, my brother in law is South African. They haven't rolled their eyes, rather once engaged they won't shut up about it. A lot of Americans pull this crap because it's true.

That the places I've been to in Africa were significantly more communitarian. Ok, I'm done, you done? Feel free to get the last word.