
I see her signs all over the place. Thank God she's polling back a few spots.

No, but the comment below demonstrated the chronic loneliness and despair that's become all too common in our society.

Nope, not unique at all. But it is a feature of life in South Africa and in Kenya, a feature that I haven't found in western Europe or America particularly strongly. I'm not saying those countries have a monopoly on a strong sense of community, but they do have a strong sense of community. And that makes visiting

From the comment immediately below my own, "Why can't these fuckers just be serially unhappy like the rest of us. Fuck your effortless happiness, you pretty bastards."

Are you speaking from experience or just a rejection of "hippie crap"? It is outside the routine, people living next to Al Shabab in a country with poor governance and crap services seemed to enjoy life more than we do in America. There's an actual sense of belonging and community for the people there. Write that off

What? "These things happened because of a desire for material resources and greed." Nothing in your reply counters that statement.

Yeah it was kind of a downer, but as GOT shows killing off characters makes for good TV.

I was so happy this was good. I laughed throughout. The first episode was shit.

Lol, it's for sure not the most high-minded music in the world. But I will forever associate their music with fun times in high school.

I think they meant the mythical Mount Olympus that is so high you can't see it's peak and the gods live on top. Not the actual physical Mount Olympus.

Those terrible things happened because of a desire for material resources and greed. Not because some white people wanted to feel spiritually fulfilled. And frankly, you sound like someone who's never been to anywhere Africa. I've been to Kenya and South Africa, and in both places there is something more honest and

What's Dax Shepard up to nowadays? I always though he hid a lot more emotional range than the roles he played would lead you to believe.

Scat has been an important element of American music since forever. Anthony Kedis wasn't the first to utilize it and he won't be the last. Heck, you could argue that all Future songs are essentially one intelligible line and a whole bunch of scat.

So a really lame and obvious joke?

v Statistically speaking, this many music conscious people can not hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers. They had a dozen hit songs and were ubiquitous. It's like the Billy Joel hate from the 90's.

Hmm, yeah that does sound about right, actually. I was a teenager, and it seemed much more adult and regressively cool.

They actually attempted to make good food, importing chefs from the actual countries represented, and offering sit-down options. You get to ride a few decently entertaining rides. It's a nice day outside in a beautiful, kind of otherworldly park. And yes, you can drink. I went to Universal, Magic Kingdom and Epcot,

Amateur journalism. I weep for our nation.

Epcot is way better than Magic Kingdom, if you aren't 7.

Seriously though, this season is relying way too heavy on shtick. Tell a story in the world of the characters that's new and interesting. So far it's essentially been: repeat episode, repeat episode, everyone plays a character, everyone plays a character. This was the closest they've gotten to a new story, still felt