
They really are, in hindsight, aren't they? The second movie was very good, the third movie was crap. Least deserving Oscar ever.

You planning on voting for a woman who stole money from children on Christmas? Or is that just tongue in cheek?

I could have done without Hugo Weaving's scenery chomping, personally.

I would put Jake Gyllenhall high up on that list, no joke. Dude's cut.

I still can't believe Matthew McConaughey beat him out for Best Actor for Dallas Buyer's Club. The scene in Wolf of Wallstreet where he get's into his Lamborghini ALONE should have been enough to get him the Oscar.

Movie idea number two, a classic sports movie written in the obsessive world of Ninja Warrior. If you've ever watched Ninja Warrior you could write that movie funny as fook and still have the classic sports movie arch.


I initially thought this was going to be about the Haitian revolution. Now I'm disappointed. Thanks, brain!

This movie is bad. I wasn't bored, but so much of it was just, as you say, hit-by-hit. It was just a biography in recorded snippets, it didn't tell a real story. And hey, here's Tupac! and hey, here's Snoop! I would give it a C-

It would have to end like that movie Wanted, you kill the last character, and realize you just killed hundreds of innocent people to get to the last character, so you kill yourself.

Personally I'd like a game that focused primarily on trying to arrest various video game protagonists for their crimes against humanity. Nathan Drake is a mass murderer, he just goes to places and kills people for a potential financial reward. Lara Croft has destroyed countless, priceless ancient treasures. "Oh,

No, but feel free to share if you do.

(reply agreeing with you, while undermining your supposed integrity by saying something openly misogynistic.)

Good points, all.

Did you watch the video? She spent about one minute talking about women's butts in games. She spent the next three minutes saying, "Men's butts" like it was going out of style. Didn't seem especially prudish to me.

I think Archer has solved this issue. Video games and media that show naked or half-dressed women all the time are exploitative. But video games and media that show naked everybody should only be offensive to prudes. Therefore, the solution to sexy video game women is to also include sexy video game men. Problem

They really need to stop being so tongue in cheek. It's worrying we got three episodes in a row of this stuff. Enjoyable, but they're not exactly memorable episodes either.

"In a hard world, only the Hardy survive."

As a white man this really pisses me off!!!

Completely agree, except for the broad use of the term representative. I think a better term would be inclusionary than representative, since that's what you're going for.