
It's almost cloying how perfectly put together it is, like an overproduced pop song. And yet it doesn't go over that edge, and is instead just awesome. Did that make any sense? Cause it made perfect sense in my head.

That sentence was perhaps could have been written more tactfully. I don't question the right of a person to live openly, honestly and with dignity, and that's not what I was going for. I was making the observation that it is easier for a bi person in our society to identify as one or the other, and as a result many

I know a few gay people in my life. I know of zero bisexual people. I know of a couple who had the lesbian college relationship thing going on, but as for openly bisexual? Who would bother labeling themselves as such so openly? It opens up a lot of questions that most people would rather not answer. If there aren't a

Pffff, these guys think Dany is going to win out. What clowns. Dany's another villain and a red herring besides. She's caused the deaths of entire cities! She wants to conquer a country! How many shots of the Riverlands burning do you people have to see before you realize there's nothing romantic or just about someone

I think more the neatly animated video was the news.

Eesh, if there's one thing I know it's to not take the statistical argument. I got in an argument over Harry Potter being underrepresentative of black people and looked at the actual black population of England for comparison. Let's just say I got smacked down hard for it (I was right they weren't underrepresented if

Interesting. Really 8 were gay? That seems like a major omission on the article's part.


The Big Short was fantastic.

"the fact that the exact same story could be told about a white character and it would change almost nothing about the film." This was the problem for the Academy viewers, I guarantee it. It was a generic sports movie, AND the movie already had been told in the first Rocky movie. But otherwise it is weird the only way

You kind of answered your own question: when they moved their comedy shows to FXX. They would have a stellar lineup without FXX.

Of course! It's like a word problem in a high school math textbook, "Jose, Xi, Jimmy and Tamika are all traveling on trains headed towards Denver…"

"All he needs is a scene where he gives Loki a flying knee to the face at ludicrously high speed"… is it weird I just got a hard on?

I got the Jon Bernthal fever, can't get enough B-thal. Just watched Siccario last night, even a minor role like that, he just kills.

So what you're saying is they need to make a superhero show starring Tony Jaa.

Yeah, doesn't seem that hard. White woman, Asian dude and black guy makes for a pretty unique team up demographic wise anyway.

Giving Jon Bernthal a show, regardless of the plot, is just a good idea.

Yeah, she's a double whammy for me, I find her offensive and hate her music.

I was being snarky. They put out this nauseating apology to the black community after winning a Grammy last year. And it's still very much in the public space, look at the uproar over Iggy Azalea, though that was much more about overall cultural appropriation (she was white and Australian and tried to be as

Lorde made the ultimate mistake of criticizing hip-hop culture's obsessive materialism. Which is racist for some reason.