
That two-parter is still one of my favorite JLA stories from Morrison, literally page after page of iconic moments that still told a fully satisfying story.

Because it’s still several days after the finale and the point is still valid.

Logan certainly started out as a demented character but by the end he was just another person in the story - and that’s not a bad thing. I kill people all the time when I play board games and think nothing of it. Logan it seems sees this experience in the same light.

Uh, the season is over. Why on earth would you think a post more than a week after the finale wouldn’t contain spoilers?

I know, but I don’t consider any of the time-displaced X-men “the” X-men. Never mind the paradox this entire line of story represents, they are incomplete versions of the older ones.

I recall reading years ago that the designers took cues from military ships of the time - slick metal with little design flourish. I think that’s what helps make the ship so iconic. It was derived from machines that functioned in the real world.

This. While I do remember liking the original as a kid, the moment I saw the refit I forgot all about it. I have more models of this than all other Enterprises. The next best I liked is the Enterprise-C. The attached is a fan update design that I really like.

Agreed. The characterizations in this movie are better but the story in Values is superior and way more entertaining.

While I didn’t read this mini-series, I’ve been following the reveals issue to issue. I see this as something that Emma would definitely do - she did something similar during Whedon’ Astonishing X-men run with his eyes. No, it’s not a cop out, it’s a plot point that you may not like but it most definitely is one that

“Retro” or “Retrospective” is SCRUM talk. Think of it as a look-back, what went right, what went wrong, what needs to change, etc.

Was extremely impressed with this show. Looking forward to its return.

Srsly so happy right now. What election?

I gave this show a shot because of Bell even though I loathe Dansen with a fervor that I cannot explain fully. Glad I did. I wasn’t sure with the first ep but by the end of #2 I was hooked. I like some of the filming techniques too, esp how they just end each episode, sometimes in mid scene.

No one would care one iota about Harley Quinn if not for the amazing voice work of Arleen Sorkin.

Am I the only one bored with this storyline? I have tried but I do not think it possible for me to care any less about this guy or what happens to him.

Oh honey you have no idea.

That message was echoed by show creator Jennie Snyder Urman in an interview this week with IndieWire, who described Xo as “not tortured” about her decision.

Cutesy. That’s the word that came to mind as the credits rolled.

Well, it’s SOMETHING! Of course like all Marvel books each will last 18-20 issues then get canceled so we can either get another #1 with a “brand new direction” or some replacement X-book where some other character(s) take the spotlight.

I have never had doubt about Luc’s visions and his ability to bring that to the screen to spectacular. It’s his writing, however, that leaves me wanting. For every Fifth Element, there’s a Lucy.