Dead John Cheever

Then let them eat a lie.

You’re a terrible person.

A thousand years from now there’ll be no guys, no girls.  Only wankers.

Wite Out, not White Out.

Can Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory please explain this to me in layman’s terms?

If you’re going to share your password, you might as well make it naughty!

I hope your elbow was okay.

If teenage boys happen to get a glance of a young woman’s nude lower back, LOOK OUT!!!

That’s right - Dr. Luke was Kesha, not Lady Gaga.

WTF Bernie? Why didn’t he learn from his mistakes in 2016?

Ryan Adams has been called out for his predatory behavior, but not many others. There’s the ‘doctor’ guy that produced Lady Gaga (I think). Anyone else come to mind?

How’s that Kool Aid tasting?

This has to be a play on something Grandpa Simpson said.


But it can buy you a giant ass!  And that’s not a Kanye joke.

Because we drank all the gelatin.

That’s like your opinion man.

This is a true statement.