
I'm always amused when an artist of any kind is said to have dedicated years of their life to something. The truth is usually that they worked a day job, and also had several other projects going at the same time.

@Syntax Error: It was Melinda that got him to start the foundation at all, that convinced him to start making up for his cutthroat business dealings. In exchange for helping him to stop being an evil douche, he decided to share credit with her.

@Mr C: yeah, a nintendo/apple merger would never happen, but i think their company philosophies are nearly identical.

@MJDeviant: if you change "would of" to "would have", I completely agree.

@NightInfinity: I agree with Faxmonkey. If you want to see movies that are the same story, look at Fern Gully, Pocahontas, and Dances with Wolves.

Gotta love that name - John Graham-Cunning.

@sss888: Sol is the name of our sun. A sun is a star with planets.

@leejames04: It's not cannibalizing, it's allowing people who aren't ready to spend $2000 on a new machine to still make use of the new OS and programs developed for it

@Nicholas Coulter: Actually, System 1 through System 6 were all in the 80s, System 7 was 1991, renamed to MacOS for 7.5.1 in 1995, MacOS 8 out in 1997, MacOS 9 out in 1999. Definitely not a whole number for every decade.

@The Werewolf: Copiers don't make things better. I've wanted to get a desktop touchscreen so badly, but most aren't multitouch, and all of them suck ass. Apple, on the other hand, will make something incredible (if a bit overpriced).

@HaveBlogWillTravel: Until an operating system supports multitouch as well as the iOS devices do, then adobe won't come out with programs that support it.

@2 replies: actually, lespey's right. The Giz post is more like saying "I got in the world's first car to go home", when they could have said "I got in the world's first 1984 Buick Regal Coupe to go home".

I hate it when Gizmodo summarizes an article, and the summary doesn't make any sense until you have read the original article. Some of you may find it helpful to know that VSS Enterprise is SpaceShipTwo, and Eve is WhiteKnightTwo. There were not 2 separations by four craft.

@Nitemancometh: As the former owner of Pixar and the largest single shareholder of Disney, I imagine it's as easy for him to get TS3 as it is to get a new model of iPhone before it's released.

@silkworm: I remember reading a book about 12 years ago that was all about how Kirk was framed for the destruction of an entire civilization, for going to warp within the atmosphere. It completely stripped the atmosphere from the planet. I think they called it "The Kirk Effect". (I forget how it wasn't really his

I actually think Mark Zuckerberg is more attractive than the kid playing him in the movie. The again, I've always had a thing for skinny guys.

@zimbabwaenquadrillionare: I want an electric or hydrogen car as bad as anyone, but it was just a few years ago that people were calling THOSE pie in the shy ideas. How about we develop as many ideas as possible, instead of saying that the ones you already knew about are the only ones worth pursuing?