
I think a lot of us want Michael Sam to be really good at football. I want Michael Sam to be really good at football. But it might be that Michael Sam just isn't that good at football.

Upon receiving notice that Michael Sam beat up his boyfriend, he was subsequently re-instated and appointed team captain.

Too many...balls?

This sounds like a lotta work, killing Sims used to be a piece of cake back in my day...

It isn't a design flaw. If it is anything other than a slight weakening of Apple's insistence on perfectionism (aesthetically, at least...), then what it is is an Engineering flaw. They failed to engineer a camera (or probably more specifically, a collection of lens elements) thin enough to fit into the body.

There's another HUGE design flaw. The new power button location is horrible, if you use the camera shutter the right way (with the volume buttons). It's now almost impossible to not shut the damn phone off when you try and hold it to capture a photo. Total fail on that new location.

Love to see a pic from the new and improved camera!

You rate that as high as they'll pay :-p

Oh man. I work in insurance and have zero clue to how we would rate that. It looks awesome though.

A friend of mine posted a similar screenshot recently! I think it was eight minutes

Hoooooooly creeptown.

Intensive purposes?! Hahahahahaha. INTENTS AND PURPOSES. Why is this so hilarious to me? I see how if you don't read much but have heard the expression you could have thought that but still hahahahahha. Intensive purposes.

(Red flag: "I hope you're not a judgmental, presumptuous snob like 100% of the previous messagees have been". Dude, maybe it's you!)

This is pretty much the norm on OKCupid. I once had a guy message me 3 HOURS after his initial message, asking me "Can you offer me a decent explanation as to why a woman would not message back a man like me?"

I had something similar happen after going on a few dates with a guy.

This guy didn't even give me THIRTEEN MINUTES to respond to his message:

I've been playing the dating game a long time, and if a woman doesn't respond to me immediately I don't freak out. I wait, and then send another message the next day, usually in the vein of "Hello!" or "Good morning/afternoon!" and if they don't respond for a couple days then I move on. No big deal.

Those guys are city officials of crazy town, but on a related note the fadeaway needs to die as a breakup technique. Just tell the other person you don't want to date them like an adult.

I don't understand why you wouldn't want to get these kinds of messages, ladies. Sometimes you have to wait months or even years to find out you've been dating an asshole, but these guys just let you know right away. It's practically a public service!

Why do ab pics get so much hate? If I had a six pack I'd want to show that shit off too.