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    i’ll tell you WTF:

    plague is back in madagascar. you should buy a lottery ticket!

    this is not a political critique: i couldn’t get through more than 5 minutes of the 1st episode.

    so now you know how bad inherent vice was!


    the one who kills all the pimps and punters ;)

    lord yes. reminds me of when i was reading Inherent Vice. no actually, reading IV reminded me of why i hate tarantino. shit at least tarantino usu. has female characters distinct from one another, but that is such a low bar, so forget’em both.


    who’s this “we?” i have hated tarantino from day one. everything you listed plus playing a rape scene for laffs in pulp fiction = not down with his bullshit. never. ever.

    i appreciate your civil discourse here, and i wanted to make sure you know that.. now it may interest you to know that i literally picked the 1st *google image* that conveyed the hypocrisy here. i don’t worry about the source much these days, and i will tell you why: politics makes strange bedfellows; the enemy of my


    i thought maybe Odette Annabel would turn out to be the mystery-pod survivor— i don’t know much about this stuff

    and nertz to jack nicholson while we’re at it, too. i was three years the junior of polanski’s victim when that story hit the grocery store tabloids. the world turned out to be even worse than i imagined then.

    no, it’s just a bit of trivia i picked up, but i will quote what Not So Different said, and maybe that will help you in your searches:


    i made another comment where i linked to the wik for Keeping Up With the Joneses— i saw in on demand, it was good, she was good.. if you don’t like her, good for you; fewer things to keep up with.