A Rising Ape

To a degree, and I did like the look of them, in and of itself, but the details (or lack thereof) stuck in my craw. Who built these things? Why? How was it able to spot a blood trail but didn’t seem to perceive visual details like color (or event scent) of any kind? Why would they bother killing non-humans? How did

Funny, I thought this one did a significantly better job tying its stories together than White Christmas. I liked most of it, but the 24,000 year sentence to Christmas hell, and the business with auto-blocking sexual predators just felt kind of excessive and shoehorned in. Not as much with the former, arbitrary

I actually liked this one a lot, it’s got a throwback-y, Night Gallery/Tales From the Dark Side vibe I enjoyed, and it’s a good use of the anthology format, especially once the ending ties it all together. Yes, anyone reasonably savvy could tell this was going to end badly for Rollo after the first five minutes, but

You say “lean” Zack, I say “wispy bit of pretentious bullshit predicated on pretty much the entire world taking a handful of stupid pills”. I hated so much about this one, the robot’s design, almost every one of the characters’ choices, the completely wasted use of black and white photography; the whole thing played

How do you go with a 3rd-stringer like Bubblegum Crisis instead of Evangelion for a project like this? That shit is just BAFFLING.

The typical adult thing is to watch a movie, and then move on with your life, instead of spending all day posting screeds on the internet about how your purely subjective opinion is the only valid interpretation for a children’s movie about battling space wizards.

The only serious threat that’s ever made it to market was the Thin Mint candy bar from Nestle, and they killed that shit off over a year ago. Tell your child her summer canoe trip is safe, for now.

I liked how the writers et al managed to insert a very Bob’s Burgers hint of post-Trump defiance into the proceedings. It’s shy and self-deprecating, as is only appropriate, but it’s definitely there bookending the episode, and damned if that final number didn’t make me tear up a little, too.

They ended the season as they began it, with their balls locked in a drawer in the oval office.

In a better world somewhere, Depp never lost his spark, and he’s working on a prestige series about the time he shadowed Thompson for Fear and Loathing, with Murray as the latter-day Doc.

Same type of moron who won’t eat Oreos after the package has been open: A spoiled child. He’s nothing but a coddled, overgrown infant who was too rich and lazy to ever bother trying to grow up and evolve as a person, much less eat his crusts.

Now let us all bow our heads, and pray for the continued safety and success of the festering wad of plaque currently living in the President’s aorta.

It’s a shame it ends so poorly, I thought the last Sketch ‘n Skeez show was a work of deranged satirical genius, and the front half of this one showed real promise. The setup of the shop itself was a fairly cool idea, calling the big ginger dude Gossamer was a nice touch, and the post-vomit fight scene was a well

Bought one last year, NOT a fan, the menu system is clunky, app support is minimal, and the remote is a flimsy hunk of crap. Get Chromecast.

Bought one last year, NOT a fan, the menu system is clunky, app support is minimal, and the remote is a flimsy hunk

People like you are why most Americans will never even know what real cheese tastes like.

Horseshit, plenty of countries sell raw milk and derivatives without fear, this is just corporate greed teaming up with American squeamishness.

It’s a callback to larry’s assertion to Leon that he can tell if a Jewish person is talking within about four words (or was it syllables?)

Interestign theory, but I’m pretty sure this guy is just an obnoxious hack. Let me check the ol’ Douche-O-Scope here... hmm, yes, yes, just as I thought, 50% hyperactive frat bro, 50% bottom tier prop comic escaped from a tuesday night open mike at the Peoria Chuckle Factory.


“There are some kinks to work out.”?