

Fuck off.

Try living with him as your senator. That is truly a hell I don't wish on anyone.

The AV Club etc.

I still maintain that gay rights wouldn't have made the strides it made in mainstream America if WBC hadn't picketed military funerals. Picketing the funerals of people who were victims of homophobic/transphobic attacks was fine to most Americans, apparently.

Fuck you.

I was a young homosexual white male once, and I assure you, I never felated a priest, nor bragged about it.

This is an important distinction.

lol if you think he still doesn't have his defenders. There are people commenting on his facebook saying he "must be doing something right by making the PC crowd so mad" (yeah, those far-left liberals over at CPAC and Simon & Schuster).

Good. Here's hoping he blows his fucking brains out over it.


Man, someone having a problem with a fictional character sure hit a nerve, huh?


Why even review this movie? You can tell from the trailer exactly what kind of low-brow comedy it's meant to be.

please don't give Buzz the attention. they suck ass

There's a difference between the critic's grade and the community grade.

This is the most inaccurate comparison I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot of stupid shit posted in the last couple years. Congrats.

Whenever John Waters isn't on Real Time With Bill Maher, all the other guests should be standing around asking "Where's John Waters?"


You know, if the Access Hollywood tape wasn't enough to end it, I'm not sure any more footage would've done shit unfortunately.