
the caps are for emphasis, I promise i don't type like a crazy person

I tend to think Miseducation is SLIGHTLY overrated (SLIGHTLY). There are some stinkers on there, but the songs that are good are fucking GOOD (and there are more "fucking GOOD" songs than stinkers tbh).

Sir, this is a Lauryn Hill article.

And I like that he, in fact, actually did stand up to her.

"Sure, the show continues to ignore its own complicity in Trump’s rise to power"

Some people don't want to have their time wasted which is why he was asking. You're welcome.

I wasn't interested in reading more about this stupid word, so I didn't click the link. *shrug*

"Real-life cuckolds, meanwhile, are not too keen on their sexual identity being used as an insult"

nah, he's Riley from The Boondocks

Hank Hill was very much an old school Southern guy, and Mike Judge wrote that character well. If you're from the South, you know someone who's exactly like Hank Hill.

Please off yourself. Sooner, the better.

FWIW, I've actually had someone say to my mother and I "I'm not racist but, I'm about to start burning crosses on their lawn" when referring to an African-American family who moved in down the street from my parents' house. So saying "I'm not a racist" usually doesn't exclude it being followed by some truly heinous

Jesus Christ, there was a recording, you idiot.

I was half hoping for a sequel to the bar sketch

And Chaka Khan did the song first!

When he said "I'm every man, I'm every woman", I started cackling gleefully because I knew what was coming.

It's my understanding that this is how they've been able to have more content when they cut down on the number of commercials.

Yeah, glad to see i'm not the only one who cringed at that particular sentence.

Oh fuck off with this holier-than-thou shit.

I always loved the commentaries. The only commentary that is flat out bad is the one that goes along with whichever episode Kim Cattrall was on.