
I briefly got Rob Corddry and Rob Delaney confused and was surprised by how handsome the guy from Childrens Hospital got.

No, you are.

lol….I'm actually an SJW myself, this comment is just ridiculous. In an age of people sincerely supporting Trump as president, I don't know what's real and what is trolling anymore. Apologies.

OK, it's comments like this that make absolutely no one take SJWs seriously.


You first.

Oh, girl, please.

So that's your total response? Witty.

No one gives a fuck, my man.

A surprising lack of Boondocks praise in the comments below. Oh well.

Anyone who thought The Brak Show was funny should have their opinion discounted immediately.

Oliver, you can justify Roxxxy still being in the competition all you want but she shoud've been gone the second episode.


Good God shut the fuck up

lol what

Size 10.

Real talk.

It's just a classic case of white people deciding what's offensive to minorities, in my opinion. (Completely agree.)

How the early Friday Morning FUCK is Roxxxy still there?

Yeah you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.