
This is the most excited I've been for a game in a long time, and it comes out on my birthday. That's freakin awesome!

There's a much better method. Simply wrap the base of the bottle with a towel and bang it against a hard surface. Eventually the cork will pop out. Shortly after seeing this method on TV I tried it and it worked great! Thanks Modern Family.

I rarely sync mine. I hate dealing with iTunes and waiting 3 hours for the backup and bullshit that come with it. I've accidentally whipped it out a couple times. iTunes is the most bloated piece of shit software I've ever used.

Is it too early to label the Wii U the Gamecube 3?

@Nightshift Nurse: I doubt it'd impact it too much. If a tv refreshes at 120Hz then each viewer should technically still be able to see 60 fps.

@acutelyaware: I'm with you. I haven't been sick in 7 years, and I only wash my hands if someone is watching.

@mullse01: It makes sense if you don't think about it.

#15 - we're talking about practice man!

Point well delivered.

I can only see slow and strategic type games being done well on the Wii U. Games that require split second decision making won't thrive well because you don't have time to look down at the screen in your hands. Plus the clunky controller can't be good for finger dexterity.

@the_joe_kirby001: I drive a car everyday, why not make a controller the size of a car... Brilliant!

FPS's need to be like fighting games. COD vs Battlefield anyone?

@kicking222: I was thinking the same thing. The controllers have to cost around $100 each (my guess is $150). If their online isn't beefed up the Wii U will become a primarily single player experience.

Not sure why such a large screen is necessary on a console controller. People buy big HDTVs to look at for a reason. Seems a smaller screen and a sleeker controller design would have been more ideal, but I haven't made millions selling video games either.

@js4rmsg: And there's two things that could ruin the game. A killcam would ruin sniping, and instant respawn would make everyone run around carelessly like COD... Speaking of, maybe you should just get MW3 instead.

@crabperson: You and I are contemplating the same decision. If only more games were like Portal 2 and give you the PC version if you buy the PS3 version.

Game of the year for sure.