
I'm not sure I totally get it when it comes to being called a Palindrome... V&A can't be read backwards... and when it is spun around it says A&V... am I missing something here?

wow... it started off slow, but then it gets pretty neat. Seeing the far off areas that each nation "owns" to detonate their testing makes me think of the damage caused by the constant radiation. America started off the whole experiment by obliterating quiet Japanese towns, reducing those human beings to nothing.

They could've just hired the same graphic designer... so whats the big deal?

What a great idea and great skill to match the exact angles.

It's pretty bad... you'd think as creative as the concept is, they couldve done a better job.

This makes my head spin... what an amazing concept for a game that is perfect on the DS... wow!

This is definitely the next step in online map technology, Google created Streetview, Microsoft is trying to perfect it. I can't wait to see how this will look polished up. (I hope they greenlight it.)

@Simon Kjellberg: Well, that's what would happen if the killswitch and keys weren't made to stop the Skynet scenario.

@PoG: Nah, it wasn't blind, I would never believe that. I'll bet it was a major undertaking in secrecy and tech to put all this together. The few who control it all aren't stupid, or else things would already be in chaos...

The most interesting prospect is a $349/mo lease, plus $2,000 down.

@media2242: Yeah it qualifies. The total price (vehicle + 220V charger) after all tax credits is $26,380, and possibly as low as $21,380 (in California, Georgia and Oregon) due to $5,000 state income tax credits.

So all he has to do is think of stuff and it happens??... 30 years later... it's like the lake house, without the crappy.

@njdevil 2-Revenge of the Fallen: Nah... it's not. Im in CA so it directed me to go to a government website. Just as long as you aren't asked to pay anything, it's safe.

Ok... who do I have to buy a beer now? I found 78 bucks in unclaimed retirement money just sitting there. Thanks! Now, for the beer...

@syedagmalali: sure they can manage, but we like to pay too much for things, it's in our nature as Americans.

Awww... I think he's so cute... are you single Jason-poo?

Wow, that is a gorgeous bike!

@Dr. Nemmo: lol... but you're missing the point...

Great article, gets one thinking.