Marceline's T-shirt

It's such a lovely catchy song with such a heinous message "men will always be men". And the way he sings it is soooo condescending, I want to slap that smirk off his face.

this. I was starting to think that nobody else had noticed this amazing statement about the tumultous vigor. Of unrestrained outpouring of love, of course.

Clifford Adams was the 'doctor' behind the long-running Can This Marriage Be Saved column in Ladies Home Journal. And guess what? The problems in the marriage were always the woman's fault. Even when the husband was beating the crap out of her. The wife was told to make sure she was well-groomed and pretty. The house

Would wear.

That's an interesting way to say "I'm going to lay there like a corpse."

I promise to read this article, but I have to start by saying that I really love this dress.

Wuzz up, my bitches!?

I am going to fuck you with great rigor.

Darling, I think it's time for our coitus to be peppered with tumultuous vigor

I wish people still wore wedding dresses like this. So flattering. I miss poofy veils, too, and hope they come back in style.

I love this dress and her hair.

Some of this seems like solid advice

The average man marries a woman who is slightly less intelligent than he is. That's why many brilliant women never marry.

Poor Betty. I find her a really interesting study in how choice ends up interweaving with cultural expectations. She had a couple of points on the show where she could have chosen to be someone different and to reclaim some of the identity she'd lost. She passed on them, it was incredibly frustrating, but then I end

I find it so very grating that this magazine constantly refers to the bride as a "girl" but the groom as a "man." Modern Bride, are you trying to imply that the woman should be much younger than her spouse, or simply that she ought to be vapid and childlike indefinitely?

The thing I find the most surprising is that the word "orgasm" showed up in this.

Speaking of "Mad Men", before she married, Betty was not only a bilingual fashion model who lived on her own in Rome for a while, but also had a degree In anthropology. Think of that the next time you see a rerun of Bets defrosting the freezer and putting in new shelf paper while slugging red wine.

All I learned from this is that Modern Bride mentioned female orgasms before Playboy did.

My retro advice: Start smoking, or start eating.

Judas H. Priest, would it KILL you to make a man a sandwich and try not to look like a slob?