
Why do they need to heavily market the game? It isn’t like they need to recoup costs.

Listen dude. You really didn’t need to explain to me the benefits of 64 bit coordinates, I know it is important and that it is an invasive operation. They also implemented a encapsulating zone system to handle world streaming, they added a generic event system and revamped the netcode and possibly a lot more

That is because the original projection was for a less well funded and smaller scoped game. Arguably one could say that he should have made that game, but given that people kept funding it, indicates people are plenty happy with the larger scope (if not the time taken to meet it).

260m is development and marketing. Split the cost by half and you should get the dev budget for GTAV.

That is the amount of funds raised. Not what they have spent.

It means creating working models in the game, maps, scripting and the list goes on.

Because with a working engine, you can get your content production pipeline working sooner. This game would take much longer to produce if they had to wait for the engine to get into a state capable of supporting game content and working at a relatively performant level. Yes modification have had to happen, but one

That for me is Strike three, as it almost screams scam. Now, time will tell whether or not Star Citizen lives up to what he claims it does, but I have a feeling this is going to be Destiny 2.0, a game with a huge budget where the developers have very little communication with their community and will release a game

Yeah. As a backer I bought a $45 starter pack because it is fun to sit on the sidelines and follow the game as it progresses, see the progress reports, read the documentation of features being implemented. I think this is true of most backers, otherwise people would just wait for the finished game.

If you recall in the spirit quest, where you an bunch of Skelligers go spelunking in caves while on hallucinogenics, you see a few whale ghosts. They might be using the same models. I have never tried diving into the water when the whales show up.

Actually the statistics for gaming projects suggest the opposite, where you have a 10/100 (on projects over 75k, as it currently stands, many projects are in flux) chance of projects failing.

Actually the statistics for gaming projects suggest the opposite, where you have a 10/100 (on projects over 75k) chance of projects failing.

People want slick overproduced demos of vertical slices. However when the final game doesn’t fully gel with what people expected, then they moan about being deceived.

His subordinates were raping well before the Baron was out of the picture. When you first meet them in the crossroads inn, you can hear one of them boasting in a conversation that he discovered that a peasant had disguised his daughter as a boy. You also can see another peasant talking to his daughter and telling her

The original post was referring to this event, I think. I’ve come across other similarly realistic events. There is very little earth shattering change effected by your character. He is just another person in the world, he can influence some changes but for the most part the world works without him as a fulcrum.

The man was a deserter. He was a terrible person, but he wasn’t hitler. He just happened to turn to banditry because he was alive. You helped a deserter escape because he begged for your help, he could have go on to hide, live as a farmer, but it happened his choice was to turn to criminality (possibly on account of

There is some context as to why she is dismissive...

Ah. That makes sense. In which case the news at 11 is reporting that the sky is blue (or was blue during the days events)

Pedantry here. 1100 is in the morning. It should be noted it can be blue, black (eclipses happen), or even gray.

I can guarantee that most sex scenes in all media is generally terrible. People still do them, and people still like it to one degree or another. I don’t see why they shouldn’t try it.