
When I Chipotle now and then I end up getting a bowl with a tortilla on the side. Fills me up for two solid meals. Don’t get sour cream or lettuce since I know I’m nuking half the next day, though.

It sucks because infrastructure improvements are what I’m working for right now, so I know the stats and they’re horrifying (specifically working on water infrastructure, but it’s all loooooong overdue) ...

That is *awesome*.

“It is the single greatest tool they have to keep people of color in prison, disenfranchising them of both job opportunities and the right to vote.”

Michigan might too.

It is good to see folks stepping up but for fucks sake how many children have to suffer because of infrastructure neglect or outright malfeasance (Flint is still not fucking fixed).

Now playing

My 2nd favorite Mountain Goats live performance is now online. I used to sing this with my ex - including all the banter - back in the day when we just stumbled on a mp3 recording of it. Enjoy.

I have similar fond memories of hooking friends on Arrested Development by finally convincing one person to binge watch my Season 1 DVD then eventually passing it around to at least a dozen folks. I caught onto BB fairly early (Xfiles + MATM intrigue) but had to wait for folks to catch up. Did watch the last season


Not always!

Smart grandpa. My Dad was a frequent auto junkyard visitor but even then couldn’t handle everything that kept dying on good ol Bessie*. just no. It will die before it hits 150k. You can fix it, and something else will go. And you will fix that, and the next domino will fall.

Not a bad idea. I’ll second the half dome plus too. You got a good rate, though, if that included taxes etc. And OP would have to buy insurance. If you don’t know where you’re ending that could be problematic (although I guess you could book from city to city segments). And unless you have a good personal relationship

And come to think of it, we never put the back row back in. 4 seats was just fine. (Didn’t underbid that much or even mention the lack of back row... I was just wtf since BF had been putting off selling for soooo long and then just handed it over. Eh it was out of my driveway, I guess...)

I’ve been here (or my BF has anyway)

We had a work Suburban. Lasted over a decade of daily use (don’t know how long before that, but at least a decade) often 3+ hours a day on the road, multiple 5-10 hour drives a year, being driven mostly by 20-30 year olds who did not give an eff and drove it hard. What a champ.

Holy crap that looks amazing. Did you have to navigate any muddy/rocky terrain? I’d like more clearance but I’m severely tempted to get one myself now...

State/local gov campgrounds all the way. Plus usually pretty scenery to wake up to (after you walk past the other campsites). Some are better than others but two seconds of research and you know what you’re getting into. Private campgrounds after that - some are great, some are... Interesting. The ones with stocked

“Plenty of dumb boys are not virulent racists. Like where did the nazi flag come from if it was a spur of the moment dare?”

It depends on the state. As I found out when my friend finally came to terms with the abuse he suffered from his stepfather (grrrrrrrr - he remembered the physical abuse but repressed the sexual abuse) - in my state there are limitations but longer ones for kids who were abused (certain # of years after the age of 18