
Meh, I switched relatively easily from languages to politics, but I suppose Drama to Law seems a bit more of a push. I think when we (were) only paying £3,000 per year, switching or starting again the next year isn't so bad compared to if you had to do it in the US

What's the implication of somebody else saying "OK Google" near you into their android smartwatch?

As a European student, it baffles me that you can go to university not knowing what you're going there to study.

or they could simply accept the ton of traffic coming to the search term 'paper' and gamble on some more downloads?

Beat me. I was just scrolling down to see if somebody had posted the classic Wall St. sign. Alas... Comedy Bronze.

I was just discussing... I thought that's what these were for?

Reclassifying the internet is exactly what the WSIS and ITU have been thinking about for the past year. The problem with the internet as a global communications platform is that on a global level it cannot be managed such as telephone, telegram, fax etc by the ITR's. If the US were to reclassify it itself, they'd be

I fucking give anything out to anybody. I've got everything on my facebook, google, twitter, the lot. Contact me if you like. I figured I'd prefer somebody going through my files than my bins (cos that's where I keep the bodies) and if the NSA are going to go through it anyway, I may as well make it an even playing

I could do that after that many beers too.

I think I might be able to get on board with complete decriminalisation, but never complete legalisation. Things like heroin shouldn't be OTC goods, but then heroin addicts shouldn't be treated like criminals... in my opinion. At least to begin with. They have a problem, and society needs to deal with that first

The pensions strike in the UK in 2011 was predicted to have cost the country about £500m the treasury department said. Find me a DDoS attack that's cost that and then you can call it more disruptive.

Yes, but nobody suspects you of ANYTHING.

There are some frat boys high fiving each other somewhere.

And you don't think that's changed in 15 years?

When was the original mission established?

Fact checking should be compulsory. This post... oh my this post.


Are you really trying to say that BBC America's original mission was to keep TV shows with British accents? Can you hear yourself?

That just made Inception even more confusing

No. That's Lampards straight up goal v Germany in the world cup 2010. Hands down one of the most vile moments I've ever spent in an airport full of Germans.