
Crazy how many people out here shilling for MSFT like the gaming world will somehow magically be a better place if they can buy ActiBlizz

and it’s looking pretty good.

I bought one of those third-party LCD screen attachments when I was a kid for my Gamecube. I don’t recall the overall quality, but I got a ton of gaming outta that little screen.

oh my god stop being dumb, its a great idea

yeah I mean I def ain’t losing no sleep over anyone at valve having a ‘tough time’

Uh nah both of those statements are ridiculous hyberbole. If someone has somehow tricked themselves into thinking otherwise, that person clearly has no critical thinking skills.  

Create a law that says that is illegal

No way you are actually this dumb, but you’re right about one thing. You don’t know anything.

This deal is going nowhere, anyone telling you otherwise has no idea what theyre talking about.

Yeah Ria, I’m going to guess you meant well, but this aint it girl. Like 5 minutes of critical thinking would’ve told you that.

Honestly I would just hunt down these fuckers if they were going after me or my family like that. Obviously that wouldn’t work out for me over the long term, but at least in theory no one else would have to go through this stupid shit.

unfortunately noise cancelling headphones don’t reduce the amount of ambient audio your microphone picks up

Do you think you were born this dumb or did you become this way as an adult?

Do you think you were born this dumb or did you become this way as you got older? 

Guarantee most of these “advanced” hacking services theyre selling are just basic phishing tricks.

idk kinda just seems like they meant to say ‘holiday-sized update’ but accidentally put ‘update-sized update’ and then corrected it.

if youre a junior dev yes, otherwise no.


Honestly surprised this isn’t a slideshow. Thought for sure this article would be a no-brainer to help hit the monthly quota of slideshow posts.

My brother in christ, there is zero chance you were the “head of IT” for a hospital and also seriously claim encrypted data was “mined off a web server”.