
My brother in christ, there is zero chance you were the “head of IT” for a hospital and also seriously claim encrypted data was “mined off a web server”.

Those 15 or so hours of Banjo-Kazooie mustve really fucked him up

I’ve read a lot of reviews on Kotaku since I started reading in like 2009, but this has to be one of the most low effort reviews I’ve read here.

Yep I had a guy from one of my fav bands start streaming. Theyre pretty popular around the world, but he rarely could get more than 50 people on a stream. He gave up after a bit.

I had to re-read this title like 5 times before it made sense


This game has looked like an asset store flip ever since it first showed up on steam. Not surprised at all its likely a scam.

Do you think you were born this dumb or did you become that way as you got older?

Yeah Lucas had a good article going until that weird mindless shit. You can absolutely blame the FBI and Air Force. I can’t imagine how dumb you’d have to be to think you couldn’t blame them.

Have you always been this dumb or just this one comment?

Yes we all understand an employee costs more than just their salary. Even if each of the 10k employee laid off costs MSFT $500k per, that napkin math number would be 14. That $500k number is prbly really more like $250k on average which would put the napkin math back at like 30+ range. I think an argument could be

and I would bet every Ford exec and the vast majority of Ford shareholders vote Republican. I feel no remorse.

I agree, but the average still wouldn’t necessarily be high enough to make a huge dent on that 70 year number.

Luke you’ve been a great consistent contributor at Kotaku, but I’ll admit I do not understand the point of this article. Almost every new desktop gaming PC on NewEgg or similar only sells 16GB or 32GB RAM configurations. IDK who told you things would just stay at 8gb/16gb for forever, but we’ve clearly been trending

Luke you’ve been a great consistent contributor at Kotaku, but I’ll admit I do not understand the point of this article. Almost every new desktop gaming PC on NewEgg or similar only sells 16GB or 32GB RAM configurations. IDK who told you things would just stay at 8gb/16gb for forever, but we’ve clearly been trending

I will never get over how weird it is this is the hill yall want to consistently die on. You think people must have a base level of intelligence to function as a human on a day-to-day level but then you come to Jezebel and see the mindless drivel coming from all the commenters. Clearly there is no bottom, people will

Well the immediate and obvious difference in this scenario is that the Teriyaki shop is not pushing their bulletin board onto people with advanced algorithms. It’s just whomever decides to go look at it by their own choice. 

Amongst our fans, we started hearing the desire for a character-driven story, focused on the core pillars of the first ACs in a more intimate scale

He was born in Shawnee, OK and lived in Tulsa for awhile before moving to Springfield in his teenager years.

He didn’t move to Springfield until his teen years...