
Yeah but only about 1/4th of the dumbass that you are

Honestly the list is pretty underwhelming, but at least it’ll let me get caught up on my back catalog.

Woohoo! Fuck Nintendo!

This is so mindless lol technology didn’t rid the music industry of all the good musicians, in fact it enabled all of them to do even more than what they were capable of previously. The same concept applies here.

Found another person that was duped into thinking Elon was an engineer.

lmao “except handle it more delicately” bro like come on, do you have the ability to think critically here?

I will say 2D games like Into The Breach are better to me on the Switch than Steam Deck.

I personally have not had this spotlight issue of it not loading on iOS 16, iPhone 13. 

I can confidently say literally none of that justifies touching another person’s property. Honestly the weirdest part is you guys think it’s normal to be like vigilante traffic cops.

Remember when these weekly posts used to be good yall? Anyways, here is the lame ass rundown they now provide via video:

I respect it, but I don’t share your opinion. Gotham Knights, sure but the other examples were acceptable uses of crafting systems.

I only come here to see if someone has posted the list in the comments section

I’m genuinely confused how you think this is like fireworks

For whatever reason, I did not have trouble with RDR2, haven’t tried GTAV.

Games are even more dirt cheap when you shop deals on digital storefronts. I don’t buy second hand, sell or loan games out so none of that applies either. If you think buying discs is some morally superior stance lol

I mean if enough people didn’t know about it, they wouldn’t have to implement it lol 

None of that negates the fact that there is unprecedented volatility in Foreign Exchange and Cryptocurrency markets. I think people with even the most limited brain capacity would understand by what the author means when he says “recent times”. We can tell you’re not completely stupid because you’re def right Bitcoin

This is a weird ass hill to die on, but you do you bruh

I did the same thing and then... I bought a steam deck lol

This is wildly inaccurate