
Okay, so it’s not even an actual episode crossover, it’s just a reference to another pop culture franchise during a cutaway gag. Big deal. Family Guy does those like five times per episode, it’s just that this time they happened to use the dad from another Fox show (I’m not even going to count Homer’s involvement

Now with 100% less Justin Roiland!

Listen here, Donald Trump: I don’t like you, and you don’t like me, except that second part isn’t true because you don’t know who I am.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a man wearing heels.

There are tow big problems for Ron with the “he appeals to the base” thing, though:

Revised theme song:

“Behold, the Ninja Turtles from Injustice 2.”

He’s obviously talking about the Samus cameo in Galactic Pinball for the Virtual Boy. Nothing else he could possibly mean.

He got in one little fight and the Oscars got scared.

Wait, you think what makes a TV show good is merchandising? I think we just discovered a new variety of brainrot.

but NFT projects might be here to stay

Dig up NFT’s so we can kill them again.

Faster! Harder!

It’s literally the exact same people pushing this. And of course they’re recycling the same tired arguments. If they were creative enough to come up with new arguments, why would they need AI?

Overtly defining AI-generated images as “plagiarism” seems like a slippery slope that could lead to any art provably influenced by another person’s art as plagiarism.

Oh my God. If you’re going to parrot leftist rhetoric, at least try and understand it.

short-sighted, and reeks of people that refuse to adapt to the times

I like how people have watered down the meaning of “outrage” to the point that it’s now just used to describe anyone having any point of view whatsoever.

There is absolutely no chance of anyone deplatforming Rowling, nor is there any serious attempt to do so. She has multiple books in print. She has a podcast. She does media interviews constantly. Twitter is owned by a guy who hates trans people almost as much as she does so there’s zero possibility of her being

There is a marketplace of ideas, and “we don’t want Milo to speak at our campus” is one of those ideas.