
Yeah, except that method has been tried and it doesn’t work. All it does is give these people more supporters.

Rowling just called a pedophile “sexy and edgy” but let’s stick to what really matters: this guy’s thoughts on vaginas. 

Except she’s deplatformed plenty of people personally. Rowling has, on multiple occasions, publicly threatened to sue people for expressing opinions she doesn’t like. Thanks to her money and army of lawyers, she can pretty much silence any UK citizen by just throwing lawsuits at them until they’re bankrupt.

If a speaker is invited to a public university, their speech is protected by the First Amendment.

The AV Club comes out in favor of censorship.

Me: Oh boy, I’m so excited to be watching the first episode of the new Pokemon! I wonder if they’ll explain anything about what happened since the old series, or just ignore that and start fresh.

Enterprise finally got its shit together like halfway through season 4 and was cancelled roughly ten minutes later. But there were still a handful of good to great episodes there at the end.

You know that starships have hundreds of people working on them, right? You’re not supposed to get a full biography for every single one. There’d be no time for story.

Stopping after 65 episodes? What is this, The Disney Afternoon?

I think it doesn’t matter. Because flying broomsticks, soccer, wizards, and even magical sports are all concepts which existed long before Harry Potter was published.

Yeah, EA should have made catching the Snitch worth like 5 points or something, so it could decide a really close game, but nothing more. By deciding to follow the rules from the book exactly, they made the video game version incredibly boring.

“And Rowling has been one of their favorite targets.”

“Seriously, things are going to get very bad for some people in a bunch of US states.”

There were zero signs except that she literally told people she was retiring before any Hogwarts controversy occurred.

I think perhaps the person who compiled this list just doesn’t like Robin Williams.

Now playing

Mando and Grogu during the sequel trilogy:

Now playing

Mando and Grogu during the sequel trilogy:

This sounds like one of those cases where the party with more money wins by default. I doubt Rowling could have won this in court, since she didn’t invent the concepts of flying, broomsticks, or soccer, and other people are just as free to mash up those preexisting ideas as she was. Not to mention that, at least in

Remember the Qudditch game EA made for the PS2?

Remember the Qudditch game EA made for the PS2?