
It’s actually a federal regulation. The last 45 minutes have to be about Cocaine Bear’s courageous journey through rehab.

You’re wrong! They should write WORSE films, and then dare people to stay away. They won’t. Reverse psychology!

Pop quiz: Who created the Mona Lisa?

During Dilbert’s peak in the late 90's it was pretty different from every other comic strip out there. No one else was really doing workplace humor, or humor based around modern tech, so it felt like a breath of fresh air. In retrospect, a lot of the jokes were already stale even back then, lots of gags recycled from

I hope Scott’s not paying you to do damage control for him, because I don’t think “Scott Adams saw a poll and it magically turned him racist” is an argument that’s gonna win many people over.

Davis is currently in hiding after publishing his controversial manifesto, “I Like Naps.”

During the 2020 election, Adams claimed that if Joe Biden won, most Americans would be dead within one year, because “Republicans will be hunted.” He did not mean metaphorically, he meant Biden would literally allow and encourage people to hunt Republicans like animals.

Wow, I guess he really does have shrinking powers.

Congrats, boys, you managed to escape from the one streaming service that’s more obsessed with cancelling shows than Netflix.

Yeah, Super Circuit kind of only justified its existence during the period that it was the only portable Mario Kart out there. But if I had grown up with the game (I didn’t, as we never owned any handhelds) I’m sure I’d feel an affection for it now.

That teenage girl really needs to moisturize more.

Baxter has actually been Black in every adaption of TMNT he’s appeared in other than the original 90's cartoon (he doesn’t end up as a fly in every version, but it still happens to him a lot.) So even if Superfly is Baxter, at least there are multiple versions of him out there in the franchise who aren’t called that.

How long until there’s a South Park episode with that exact title?

I just like that it’s been 25 years and every entertainment headline is still referring to Trey Parker and Matt Stone as “the South Park guys” as though they’re a couple of plucky young unknowns who are just getting started in this crazy business.

“Banning enough words would make communication practically impossible”

Don’t worry, they’re talking about a different Dave.

I like how your first sentence made a claim and then your second sentence refuted it. Saves the rest of us a lot of work.

Nothing, that was the last one. Pokemon stopped making money and everyone went home. Gamefreak went out of business and Satoshi Taijiri lamented that it probably would have become a billion dollar franchise if only Pikachu had worn a hat.

Super Circuit was one of the best-selling GBA games (the best-selling one ever without the word “Pokemon” in the title, in fact) and the GBA was a system often given to kids. So there are probably a ton of people who have strong nostalgia for this game, even if it is one of the weakest Mario Karts.

So it’s an HBO show about a bunch of people fighting over a throne, but it’s actually going to end before it gets terrible? What a novel approach.