
Pretty much every positive review of this game I’ve seen seems to have come from hardcore Harry Potter fans. They all basically boil down to “this game is boring and barely works, but it has references to the books so five stars.”

TV EDIT VERSION: “I’ve had it with the magpie-flapping strangeness concerning these morning-falafel things!”

Yeah, the lore wasn’t the problem, it was that this whole spinoff felt forced and disconnected from the main franchise. No one thinks “serious scifi adventure” when they think of Buzz Lightyear; everything we see of the franchise in the Toy Story films makes him seem like a cheesy b-movie hero for kids. And people

“It was the Solo of X” is a very specific but devastating insult.

No, that would have conflicted with Pixar’s upcoming movie about a loveable group of rudimentary lathes who come to life whenever humans aren’t looking. Together they’ll learn about friendship or some bullshit like that.

Well, Shang Chi had a sequel officially announced in December. The Eternals? No idea. Some actors from the first movie have said they’re doing a sequel, others have said they haven’t heard of any sequel plans. 

To be fair, it’s Disney tradition for the villain to be the best part of the movie.

Love and Thunder was great, I honestly thought it hit a better balance of emotion and humor than Ragnarok did (though Ragnarok is still slightly better thanks to the dynamic between Thor and Loki.) I’m still trying to figure out what people’s problem with L&T was. It’s got one of the best Marvel movie villains, it’s

It feels like Quantumania was reverse engineered to introduce Kang as the next big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

These days the English language version of Jump doesn’t pick and choose what series to translate; it just translates everything and lets readers decide what they like.

That just makes it sound like you always agreed with Rowling’s stance but wanted an excuse to blame someone else for your behavior.

Nice job giving them so much power over you.

Yeah, the “kids don’t notice these things” excuse does a disservice to kids. Like adults, some kids are going to pick up on it and some are not. As a child, I didn’t pick up on the fact that the crows were Black stereotypes at all, but I pretty much figured out right away that the Siamese Cat song boils down to “we

Your silly protest is YOURS, no one else cares

“You need to be making better arguments,” says guy whose best argument is an overused, cynical cliche parroted for generations by people who don’t understand how writing works.

So far, it looks like the main thing this AI is good for is producing spam. Great future, guys.

Yesterday Twitter’s main character was a guy who was furious that one of the Transformers was trans.

This theory might hold water if the group she’s trying to fight for weren’t actual slaves. Or if there were positive examples of activism in the novel to contrast Hermonie’s. But Hermonie is the only activist in the novel and the story seems to object to activism as a concept itself. 

Anytime we do write our books and games, you guys start sobbing that “THIS BOOK IS TOO WOKE!” or “THIS GAME IS TOO POLITICAL!”