
Ha ha, that’s funny, the way you implied that the studio would actually care if the movie was good or not.

Eh. The New 52 did a lot of things wrong, but this is one of the things it did right.

I think their best bet is to do something that DC did when they rebooted their comic universe in 2011: some characters who weren’t working were restarted from scratch, while the most popular and creatively successful ones weren’t, and just continued the storylines they had been doing previously. So for instance,

Is it, though? Black Panther 2 is currently on pace to be the #1 movie in the world for an entire month straight, and four of the ten highest grossing movies of 2022 are superhero movies.

It’s funny how desperate DC seemed to make Black Adam into the next big thing. They shoehorned a Black Adam cameo into the post-credits scene of DC Super Pets. They put him on the Justice League in the comics (dude’s probably killed as many innocent people as The Joker, but sure let’s put him on the ultimate good guy

Jeff Bezos spent $5.5 billion to go into space for four minutes because, by his own admission, he was bored and didn’t know what else to do with the money.

“That’s more than I make in a month working 40+ hours a week doing a “real” job.”

Except Warner had already signed a contract for a 5th season, so now they’re required to pay every single Westworld actor their full salary for that season, even though it won’t get made.

Yes, if there’s one group of people who never lie, it’s strangers on the internet.

If you spent months of your life working on a movie only for a bunch of online losers to start attacking you over imaginary plot points that aren’t even IN the movie, you’d be pretty annoyed too.

Yeah, that makes sense. The director sent four entire tweets so obviously he’s incapable of making a good movie. That’s how directing works.

That doesn’t seem to matter ever since WB merged with Discovery, as they’ve been putting almost everything on the chopping block even if it is popular. Westworld was one of HBO’s most popular shows, but it was expensive so it got the axe regardless of strong ratings. Los Espookys wasn’t as popular, but it was MUCH

If you ever wonder how conservatives could be driven to do something as insane and ridiculous as storming the US capital to try to keep a senile reality show host in the White House, just remember that these people actually believe in laughable bullshit like “forced gene injections” and “climate dictatorship.” Like,

Well, they are making a Disney Plus series for Wonder Man, a character whose day job is movie star, so...

Yes, instead you put that effort (meager though it obviously was) into putting the article’s writer down. While still encouraging AV Club to publish more Marvel stories through your continued engagement.

“Another Marvel article? But doesn’t the AV Club know I don’t want these? I’d better click on the article and comment on it and basically just fully engage with it so they know how much I don’t want to see it!”

You either die a hero, or you die something else. There are many possible professions, follow your dreams.

Yeah, okay, three things:

Why is that white mage wearing a hood. Why does he have fire magic.

You’re completely right, and what’s disappointing is that Anna Taylor-Joy can do posh really well! She recently starred in an adaption of Jane Austin’s Emma, and that story is all about an aristocratic posh girl who’s tougher than she seems. And she was great in that role. Here she just sounds like she’s reading lines