
Yeah, but if you ignore what it says on the label you’ve got nothing to base the joke on. The point isn’t to make fun of Scorsese, it’s to manufacture an internet pop culture discourse without the pop culture actually being there. Besides, the whole joke with Goncharov “discussion” is that everyone agrees that it IS

Yeah, there are way worse anti-trust violations than this one. The problem is that most of those monopolies are decades old, worth massive amounts of money, and have enough lawyers to fully populate multiple states, all of which makes those trusts very, very hard to pry apart. It’s much easier to stop new monopolies

You are way too emotionally invested in this Tumblr meme.

He was originally a villain, kinda. Originally he was billed as “The Evil Green Ranger,” and had his own giant robot (controlled with his flute/dagger thing) that was the equal of the Rangers’ robot, and he was strong enough to beat the other five in battle (temporarily, at least.)

Except the origin of the whole meme is an advertisement that specifically calls Goncharov a “Mafia Movie.”

Movie stars are overrated. Thanks Marvel for finally doing us a solid.

Hardware isn’t the problem. The short development cycles for these games is. There are far more graphically complex games which run beautifully on the Switch.

Plus, Chapek pulled the plug on nearly all new park attractions in development, and he cut the maintenance budget so rides break down more often and stay broken longer. So you’re paying more money for a park with no new stuff coming in the future, and half the rides don’t even work.

I think you’re right that another actor probably would not have had the same impact he did. JDF had a terrific presence and that exemplified this sort of 90's Cool factor; active and approachable but with a bit of an edge, which was important for someone who was introduced as a villain only to later become the main

In the future, every character will be drawn with really thick outlines.

I think it’s natural to speculate and can even be part of the coping process in these situations, so long as you’re coming from a place of empathy (which I think you were) and not just gossip or cruelty.

Over on Twitter, the right wing chuds are claiming Chapek was fired for making “woke” productions like Lightyear, Ms. Marvel, The Owl House, She-Hulk, and the upcoming film Strange Planet...even though all those projects were greenlit while Iger was still in charge.

There are two cuts of the movie: the original NC-17 cut (featuring dong! And plenty of other stuff) and an R-rated home video cut which was made so the movie could be rented at Blockbuster, which forebade any rating stronger than R.

(Source: https://twitter.com/TrueKROOO )

Why is Fido Dido the 1000th Pokemon.

You’re right, that flower is a PART OF HIS BODY. It’s like if you pulled out a clump of someone’s hair. Cloud Guy needs to go to prison.

What if dinosaurs, who are all dead, were alive instead. What if instead of normal things we had elf things. What if Buzz Lightyear was a realistic guy instead of a toy guy, even though Woody spent an entire movie trying to convince him he was a toy guy and not a realistic guy. What if we ran out of ideas

So are the fire people required to wear insulating hoodies at all times? Because otherwise you could kill an entire crowd of earth people just by bumping into one of them. Likewise shouldn’t the water people be wearing something to prevent them from killing a fire person through physical proximity?

RTD has the best of intentions but this is dumb for a couple of reasons. First because 13's clothes were completely gender-neutral, second because bigots don’t NEED ammo. They already hate the show for being “woke” and will invent whatever excuses they need to justify that hate.

Dave is sliding down the Transphobe-to-Racist pipeline faster than Mario finding a warp zone.