
Oh crap, 200-year old comedy mummy Lorne Micheals disagrees with me, along with a room consisting of up to twelve well-off New Yorkers! Welp, guess my opinion is invalidated forever!

When someone says “I’m as leftist as one can be...” you know you’re about to hear the most MAGA-ass opinion you’ve heard all day. It’s just another version of “I’m not racist, but...”

Okay but I don’t think you can really compare some rando in a Jezebel comment section to one of the most famous and well-paid comedians alive. Chapelle has a much bigger cultural impact (and thus greater responsibility, and culpability) than a million dumb internet comments combined.

There are Trans Formers, too. I really like this panel because her answer to the question “why?” Is so simple and concise and really the only reason anyone needs.

It’s a cartoon robot, it doesn’t have sex organs for you to obsess over.

How does Black Christmas fit into this franchise?

I remember people being surprised that catching them all wasn’t actually the main goal of the games.

I feel like the next step is a reboot, or a new anime that hews closer to the games, with a protagonist based on the hero of Scarlet/Violet, just as Ash was based on the hero of Red/Blue.

“You’re not allowed to have opinions about video games if they’re Japanese” is one hell of a take.

Why is putting black people in a video game such a nightmare for you.

Not young enough. It’s time for Past Life Indiana Jones. Before he was Indy, he was a 13th century French peasant who the local Duke had put in charge of a herd of goats. Thrill as he watches them in a pasture for hours on end, then goes back to his hovel. Gasp as the goats produce slightly above average cheese. Be

Your opinion is stupid considering you are an idiot

In the 30's and 40's, you know what movies were seen as disposable, mass-produced trash for the masses? Gangster movies. Yet Scorsese built a career from making crime and mob pictures which are masterful works of art, and that has caused critics to look back on some of the dismissed gangster films of the old days

You are not special just because you sit on your ass watching crime movies while other people sit on their asses watching superhero movies.

Top Gun was an action movie classic that’s been well remembered for over 30 years. There was nostalgia for it, which drove the box office of the sequel. No one was dumping on the idea of a Top Gun sequel except in the general context of “Hollywood makes too many sequels.

Congratulations, you figured out that this site covers video games.

Yeah, those sort of people don’t actually exist. No one ever loved Musk except sad nerds looking for substitute father figures, and those are the losers who’ll continue to defend him no matter how much of an idiot he makes of himself.

So are you just gonna follow me around and reply to all my posts with more whining about how no one outside the Bible Belt likes your favorite has-been comedian anymore?

The Chapelle Show was great. But it also exposed that Chapelle is a better comic actor than he is a standup comedian. He was great when he was playing characters and acting out bits written by his writing team. But since the show ended and he’s lacked the crutch of those writers, he’s been utterly mediocre.

I didn’t think he was funny or unfunny. I didn’t think about him at all. I, like everyone else in the world, pretty much forgot Chapelle existed for most of the last two decades, because he dropped off the face of the Earth after he ran out of ideas (which did not take long.)