
One nice thing about Elon Musk is that between him and Donald Trump, the myth of the singular genius CEO has been pretty well burned to the ground.

Really? Your pick for “best stand-up comedian” is a guy who was only funny for roughly 18 months starting in 2003 and only when he was acting out skits written by other people?

So, when does the negative part of “getting cancelled” happen?

Not unless the musical guest is a magic time portal to 2003 because that’s the last time Dave Chapelle was funny.

Yeah, clearly the geniuses who let Donald Trump host the show and then did a big sad piano number when he won the election a few months later are the folks who know best when it comes to casting choices.

Yeah, he’s a comedy legend in the sense that his talent is purely mythological.

No, but it still seems pretty stupid (by which I mean, typical of post-Discovery WB) to cancel a show when it has only one season left, and when contracts stipulate that you have to pay the entire cast their salaries for season 5 whether it gets made or not. They could have just done some budget cuts elsewhere and at

God, season two just DRAGGED. At least it provided a pretty satisfying ending for most of the characters, to the point that I didn’t feel any compelling reason to watch seasons 3 or 4.

HBO really wanted another Game of Thrones, and they thought Westworld would be it. But the closest thing to it turned out to be Succession. Apparently viewers were more into the “rich assholes fighting over an inheritance” part of GoT more than the genre elements.

Ironically they had just returned from the filming of Ernest Goes To the Funeral Of the Guy Who Rented Ernest Goes to Camp.

You’re not wrong. I wish I could say the movie was something wacky or embarrassing, like one of the softcore porn movies that dotted the “Drama” section. But I would remember if it had been. The fact that I don’t recall the name of the movie means it was probably something unremarkable; probably whatever the most

Nah, this was long enough ago that writing checks was still a regular thing. Which sucked, since it took three times longer than any other form of payment and people always seemed to do it when there was a long line.

“It’s set in a magical world where ancient dragon gods can be summoned by offering up your blood, and this imbibes you with incredible superhuman powers.”

No, the context doesn’t help at all. The population of Medieval Europe was not exclusively white. If Yoshi-P really thinks that diversity didn’t exist back then, his research was half-assed.

But at least the remaining 50% will have the privilege of working for a genius business model consists of begging random celebrities for eight dollars.

They HAD the best library of the streamers. Then they decided to turn like 50 of their shows into lost media to save a few bucks. Now I have zero confidence that anything on their service that isn’t Game of Thrones-related won’t just get removed one day.

Hello, I used to work for Blockbuster back in high school (which thankfully means I have absolutely no nostalgia for the company, it deserves everything that happened to it) and I have a story.

But an era of rising inflation and growing uncertainty is the perfect moment to make a fun, lighthearted show about a bunch of people who are moments away from losing their jobs!

Yeah, but there are a TON of sitcom couples whose thing is that they’re everything the other one hates. And then they hook up anyway because “opposites attract” or whatever. It’s dumb but it happens.

I guess I just don’t understand being nostalgic for inconvenience.