Jacob Singer

Yes it does occupy physical real estate. Why else would they make physical robots? If it was virtual then the non-player characters would be virtual, too. And the customers would all be in chairs with electrodes attached to their heads.

He's absolutely Kenny. His last death had a definite Grand Theft Auto feel to it. I almost laughed. But the serious music reminded me I'm not supposed to.

No, it's a physical place. Otherwise they wouldn't make physical robots to populate it. And YES, the holodeck on Star Trek TNG is poorly thought out fucking 80's bullshit.

I agree with the nudity. It was well articulated & had a valid point. It reminded me of my own metaphorical nudity when being put on the spot. It reminded me of the nudity in modern medical procedure——-which in turn suggested how hyper-realized human simulants might require the same human protocol in their

It's the first episode. The "message" may take some time to unfold. Often times it's the accumulation of experiences & events that make a pivotal scene more powerful in a series. Things need to build up.

Or that people generally like seeing naked people from time to time? And that lipstick lesbianism is kind of a turn on for men? Perhaps HBO's agenda is to provide it's paying audience with shit they like seeing.

Remember the one customer in the train who said that after visiting with his family, he went a second time alone & then "went evil"? That's meant to convey that rape & murder are regular things that customers do.

I had that exact same thought. But initially I thought he was one of the higher-ups checking up on the progress of the AI. Could be one or the other.

I feel like the acid trip segment nailed the essential character of the real thing. The hallucinations seemed a bit extreme but then I've never done that much acid. Christ I don't think anyone has.

100% agreed. The Godfather, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos & a shitload of other things also agree with you.

Oh hell yes.

Well, I still think it's out of character but you know what? There's no evidence either way so I guess we're free to imagine any outcome. Hell, maybe he got them a job in the Winterfell Brothel. That's a pretty good way to keep an eye on 'em. ;)

King Joffrey = Manafort. ( Obama still has a job. )
Little Finger = Roger Ailes. Jumping from one job to another, with a questionable future.
Sparrows = GOP. Cersei & Trump just incinerated them both. .

Dany's every bit as scheming as Hillary & like Hillary, her schemes have been successful. She also has a powerful coalition that's about to win her a "throne". Trump is a lot like Cersei in that, well besides missing a ton of hair & whining like a girl, has maneuvered himself into a corner through batshit crazy

That's weird because Dany reminds me of Hilllary & Cersei reminds me of Trump. Except her cock is probably bigger.

Ned has never displayed the same kind of cold bloodedness as the Boltons. More than likely he paid the two servants off. If they tried to extort him he could kill them in a heartbeat. No one would believe them anyway. These are two peasant girls who were ex-servants of a hated royal house.

This is all a setup for Jorah's return. He'll come back cured of his greyscale & the location of a cache of Valerian steel weapons.

The ultimate fight is indeed with the white walkers. And I don't have a good feeling about the Unsullied or ANY human army fighting them in close quarters. All you're doing is feeding them bodies.
I think it'll come down to archers & trebuchets launching flaming arrows, flaming oil, (maybe wildfire?) from a

Don't judge the Unsullied by their failure as beat cops in the crowded streets of Mereen. That's got to be the dumbest use of military resources in the whole show. They're trained & equipped to form phalanxes & shield walls in the open battlefield. They'll do fine in Westeros, as long as Dany provides them with

That makes a helluva lot more sense. Usually I give the show a pass, especially in the big set piece battles, but the Unsullied as Cops really grated my nerves at times. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize their shield-spear combo is just terrible for police work in a crowded city.
Also, the Second Sons are