First National Bastard

you got worked

Two Soccer posts out of one hundred. One was for a completely freakish 5 goal performance. The other was a soccer player boning a broad on the field.

Nobody cares about Soccer, Deadspin. Tone it down.

Especially the way he was stuffed on the goal line 3rd and goal from the one.

I’d like to say “fuck you” to everyone who made this thread about the POS Trump instead of keeping the laser beam of hatred pointed squarely at the Rapist subject. Perhaps the most successful serial rapist of the past 100 years.

Westender got nothin’ on Space Truckers.

Philistine. Jackie Brown is some of Tarantino’s best work.

That’s a hot take full of hatred there, homie.

Pirates aren’t going to shoot them down with rifles. They’re going to bring them down with drones of their own.

Enjoy it on your white bread with mayo! I’ll be eating a meat that is actually tasty.

Exactly. If I “MUST INFUSE IT WITH THE GOODNESS”, you’re giving me a bland, dry meat. Which is fine, if I have no other options, like two centuries ago. Today I am not poor and I have a nearby supermarket. Steak or ham are widely available and affordable. Fuck turkey in its flavorless breast. Chicken is ten times

It’s true. It has been reported on here and in other news sources. Cops are criminals.

Where were SOME of those “good” cops during the 13 months the force was covering up this obvious murder? NONE of them were brave enough to stand up and be true to the community they serve.

Just because they ALL suck doesn’t mean the people don’t expect them to still do the job they’re paid to do. We don’t owe the

Jake has become the Martian Manhunter to this series. In JLA, the first thing a writer has to do is figure out a way to “de-power” the guy with all the powers that would solve every physical drama almost instantly.

Feel free to stop looking like a crusty has-been loving idiot. Pete couldn’t play in today’s NBA. He played back when the ball was made out of unshaved goatskin and the court was still “L”-shaped.

How can you tell when a commentator is an amateur? When they won’t shut up, ever.

Shaun of The Dead trumps Scream, imo.

It’s still the nicest one in the forest!