truthbeetold terrorists in Norway...

Meh, people have been moving away from their digital assistants to talk privately since the 1960s.

Sometimes I like to imagine an alternate reality where the president is somehow likeable & kindhearted, even if he’s still a buffoon. A place where SHS smiles and is jovial during her press briefings. I imagine her taking little, friendly digs at Trump, et al. Maybe then we’d see her in a different light. Maybe then

“Sir, I’m afraid you’ve gone mad with power.”

Just give up with almonds, already.

I welcome Democrats not taking their constituents for granted.

And “The bus that wouldn’t slow down”.

It’s like we’re “hooked” into some kind network “matrix”. Monitored and policed by some kind of anonymous agents; an “agent smith” if you will. Maybe I should make a movie about this, I’ll call it “The computer that made me sad”.

Who nominated the head of that department?

The dang Europe is busted!

> It’s almost like he looks at any regulation and starts having a temper tantrum because regulation

It’s pretty simple based on an established pattern: if Obama did it, do everything you can to undo it.


Because that’s all he was charged with, I am now absolutely certain he’s flipped.

You feed this to your baby, you're basically training them to be a hobo. They'll grow up craving dumpster peaches.