
Guess Crabtree had to

Not that serious, The Vulture was a wack character anyway. Not biting on this.

Love Miss Van Pelt...

Jalopnik: We Make The Case FOR Driving.

Battery life?

Crack pipe. Oh, you didn’t mention a price? I see...

he’s been great at sitting on it.

“or its water resistant powers. But it will have the Xperia’s XZ’s biggest selling point.”

“Are you hooked on all those CBS shows like Angel From Hell, Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders, and Kevin James Makes That Face Again?”

Unions... Hmm...

Game & Watch collaboration, or bust.

And in return for inviting this into your home, you get to request Taylor Swift songs and order soap...

I was ready to give DeB shit after I saw this headline. What the hell is this “whenever feasible”? Then I saw his itinerary... Anything UN is a complete pain, and Gracie Mansion isn’t exactly convenient even with it being in Manhattan. You have two ingredients here that most native NYers try to stay away from; the far

What’s that on your windshield? AAAGGH, human feces!

This surpasses In Living Color on awareness and parody. That’s some Robert Townsend/Expert level skit right there, good job SNL.

Done, will watch. Love her & loved the original.

Like, this is a joke right? A plug for Parks and Recreation on Hulu? Like Pawnee’s racist city hall art... How is that not a settler hemming up a Native American? Does the neighboring town have a relief of some Pilgrim holding a First Nationer in a camel clutch?

L’Oreal’s social media command center

I’ll never look at Mt Hood the same way, again...

Scary enough to spur