
Or half the team will break all their bones.

That was the first thing I wondered after this article. Lock him down for the year with no playing time with the hope he’s forgotten by the rest of the league? Injuries didn’t help, but I don’t see this as being good for his career either.


Wow. Am I the only one who thought Serial = YAWN?

Would agree with the intrusive observation. Funny thing is, I used Siri more when it was a third party app. This current iteration? Meh, and hoping it's not required on the new Apple TV.

Apple’s finest

Yeah, “firecrackers”... I saw it and felt all clicky-baity.

I just didn’t realize who he was. I was like, ‘Oh, yeah, who is this?’ Once you realize it’s Greg, you’re like, ‘We need to make a play.’

Too bad. I think you made a valid point. And kind of funny to see Google ignore their own clunky growing pains/issues.

Starred this because I’m curious if anyone else has noticed similar battery usage from Google Play...

Right now, MLB is basically the development league for batflips. Korea wins this, hands down.


“Sadly, you won’t able to use NumberSync to connect multiple smartphones together. You’ll only be able to connect your number to a single smartphone. “

What font is that? I notice it a lot in C-town.

I work at a bar that is inside an old theatre. We show movies, have concerts, comedy, private events, and are open for big sports games. We have a full menu and do kitchen service from the concessions in the front. They also serve popcorn, pastries that we make in house, and fountain drinks.

I smell Hamilton Nolan. Do you smell Hamilton Nolan? Definitely some HamNo up in here...

[boards a city bus] [pays exact change]

+1 Charles Ebbets tribute

How? Disney.

I thought I was looking at some kind of floating Cyclops head O_O