
I believe it IS an oversimplification. That said i’d be genuinely interested if you have links to cases where people who were still talking and mobile were deemed to drunk to consent to sex (in court, not a school/work harassment/conduct issue).

My understanding is that in most places in the world, being really intoxicated does not make anything illegal. You’re still legally able to consent. (Many schools and offices have policies against drunken sex, and in those cases, BOTH parties might get in trouble, but not legal trouble). The idea that being

He screwed up. He thought she had it in the bag, and was worried people would say he was too lenient. I don’t think he considered Trump would win.

Much like we throw people in jail for perjury, it doesn’t strike me as odd that a company that truly believes someone is making false accusations of harassment would get rid of them.

Oh I don’t.

The wounds to her sister are also inconsistent with choking on her own vomit. There were chemical burns on her body that aren’t there in earlier evidence. There’s good reason to suspect after Paul raped her drugged sister, Karla intentionally killed her.

People tend to just map there own parties to foreign ones and assume they line up. You see it here in Canada, where people act like conservative = republican and liberal/NDP = democrat. There’s a huge shift. Steven Harper who is vilified by the left here governed pretty much as a blue-dog democrat by U.S. standards.

Does this mean the Bannon faction will be in charge?

You vote because you care about the D or R.

I check Breitbart to see what they think.

Obviously some Melenchon voters will go to Le Pen. Le Pen isn’t right wing in any way (unless you assume racism = right wing). Le Pen is a nationalist and socialist candidate. Much more economically left wing than Macron.

Le Pen is ‘far right’ only if you assume ‘racist’ = right.

It would not surprise me if it’s horribly dated.

As a male who doesn’t ask for raises or negotiate well, i’d like it if they worked on how to remove that problem, rather than simply helping out women while leaving men who don’t push for raises in the cold.

Yeah I tried to do some reading and probe trumpies on this one. None of them seem to blame him, and they also seem mainly convinced that they’ll still repeal before 2018. Because ... I don’t know.

These books always depress the hell out of me.

My hope is that leaked nudes become common to the point they’re considered mildly embarrassing and not a big deal.

It’s a cute video, but doesn’t get into the murky areas.

Drunk but still conscious people can still legally consent to sex in Canada, period.