The Molten Dream of Justice

I think my all-time favorite FotC lyric is: "You don't know where you're going, you cross the street / You don't know why you did, you walk back across the street."

Awkward fist bumps incoming.

I'm not going to watch this trailer because I just don't care, but that headline is fantastic.

I used to spend a lot of time thinking about this. But at a certain point, I said fuck it, we'll just have to mobilize the base and outvote these people.

Well put. I can't help but think of this:

Sometimes you're reading nothing but vitriol and divisiveness and death and despair, and then you see a video like this.

I am familiar with Million Dollar Listing, and I am so in for this.

He also mitigated the shit out of that "Hollywood is racist" message by basically saying that contemporary black people complain too much.

I could see them going full-on Marvin Gaye estate, suing Kendrick Lamar over "To Pimp a Butterfly."

It's just "Jump in the Line (Shake Senora)" looped for two hours.

So… the tone of the trailer is a joke, right? Tell me it's a joke.

I want to live in a parallel universe where Rivers Cuomo developed into an adult. You're 45 years old! Stop writing about "kids" and "girls" and hanging out with teenagers.

Point number 2 disproves point number 1. A "normal human being" wouldn't exhibit this behavior.

After this nightmare is over, someone needs to compile and publish a collection of Trump descriptions that the good people of the Internet have produced. There's probably a Tumblr already.

His personal appeal is beside the point. His people would support a cactus if Trump wasn't there. It's all about the venting of impotent "outsider" rage by people who think they're deserving of a life that the current system isn't giving them. Previously these people would get behind disparate candidates that weren't

I'm hoping they address the whole "street smart" thing with a couple nuanced, self-aware gags that didn't make the trailer. But I'm probably being way too optimistic there.

Such a weird comment. I don't see how the reviewer's age or ethnic background figures into it. And I don't know anything about his filmmaking career, but even if he's tried film and failed at it, that doesn't make his critique less valid (in fact, I think it makes it more valid, or at least more valid than your troll

I'm suffering…from a hangover! Amirite, guys?

That "Downtown" video is ridiculous and fun (Ken Griffey, Jr.!). But, yeah, I have no reason to listen to any other tracks on this album.

I definitely like Abbi more, but that doesn't mean Ilana isn't essential to the dynamic. I just prefer chill-ass people.