The Molten Dream of Justice

WAR, Ugh!
Good gawd y'all
What is it good for?
Analyzing a player's overall contribution to a team

designated fuckboy section is stage left, apparently.


Sampha's a good singer. I'm getting tired of only being able to listen to new Kanye music by watching videos of him listening to his own music. Still not enough to make me get Tidal, though.

One more music cue would have been too much, and one less music cue would have been not enough. They somehow perfected absurdity.

I just wish I had one long, curvy tooth.

Is this some kind of metaphysics explanation performance art?

"fellow performance artist" is a terrifying phrase. "There's two of them in the same space???"

The wrong kid died!

Don't even get me started, man.

I'd like to think that William's white board looked like this:
9/11 hijacker
Stevie Ray Vaughan
JFK, Jr.
Paul Wellstone

[gasps] You said it. Not me.

I'm starting to get Great Job, Internet now. It's just a way to lazily piggyback on the content of other sites without explicitly calling it that.

How is this "Great Job, Internet"? You're just posting another publication's article and providing a simple summary of it.

It was the best theme song, it was the worst theme song.

Oh,man, now I'm crying. "Sent from an old rotary telephone" is what makes it.

You should know that I only have time to watch the video and then comment. I ain't reading no articles!

Oh, I hear ya. It was pretty great being able to grow up pre-Internet. It made discovering music a lot more difficult, but also pretty special. I still remember a friend handing me a dubbed NWA cassette in 5th grade like he was a goddamn spy handing me some nuclear facility security codes.

I never understood the Loonytoons thing. Did you choose the shirt based on which character you most related to? Were some characters cooler than others?

My parents wouldn't allow my older brother to wear plaid flannel shirts because of gangsta rap. It was confusing times in late '90s small-town America.