The Molten Dream of Justice

April 1990 was pretty much still the '80s culturally. It's not like the clock strikes midnight on New Years and everyone says, "Let's start dressing and talking in a way that is consistent with how this new decade will come to be defined!"

I was about to say something about cultural appropriation blah-blah-blah, but this band is just too boring to inspire even phony outrage.

I want that hat!

Can we retire the word "attack" when referring to any shade of criticism? It's such a tabloid-y word.

Lincoln's celebratory fists in the air made me think that he had won some kind of bet.

I think it's hilarious that they were able to create a joke contemporary art gallery that is exactly like every real contemporary art gallery I've ever been in.

It was reported in Novelty Music Scene. There was a picture and everything.

Well, it is Wednesday.

Did they ever break up? Not sure it's accurate to call it a reunion. FotC has just been on hiatus while they do other stuff.

I'm looking for my tapes, can't find my tapes. He got 'em.

To be fair, my jokey opener probably didn't help. Mothers definitely should guide their sons regarding how to appropriately interact with women, but the OP suggested sharing specific anecdotes, and I'm not convinced that would be the best method. It has nothing to do with making someone "uncomfortable." I just think

I want to dance! Throw on that mid-tempo orchestral indie track, B!

On the contrary, I think guys who buy strange women drinks are antisocial. Instead of just approaching the woman on even ground and engaging in an intelligent conversation, they use a "gift" to signify that they're owed a credit of the woman's attention. It's one thing if you've been conversating for a while and

Everything I know about homeless people, I learned from Steve Buscemi's character in Big Daddy.

I'm curious about the "chick" thing. I moved from the Midwest to the East Coast, and men and women alike throw the word "chick" around in polite conversation. Is this just an East Coast thing? Is it like calling a guy a "dude"?

In my experience, most of the men who tell women to smile in public are either homeless or could be mistaken for homeless. They're men who have no power, and by telling a woman to smile and having that woman obey their command, however reluctantly, it gives them just a little taste of power. That's what this is all

Okay, that's not really what I was saying, but it's been fun being your straw man.

I'm also thankful for this sane little island because most of the Internet is horrified that they were forced to have black politics anywhere near their eyeballs for a few minutes.

I'm not sure I would have appreciated my mom telling me about strangers wanting to bang her. I think a more realistic and effective way to influence your children is to have a loving and egalitarian relationship that they can witness daily.

Summary of article: "We have some sort-of footage of a performance and nothing nice to say about everyone involved."