The Molten Dream of Justice

You'll still have to see his face every few months when he's threatening to throw his feces over any budget bill that doesn't de-fund Planned Parenthood.

I'm glad AV Club posted an Iowa Caucuses article, because I was having a hard time locating any content on the topic today.

I'm confused about Rebel Wilson saying her minimum number of drinks is 27. Was this written by a 15-year-old who stole one of his dad's Busch Lights once?

This looks much more visually exciting and grander in scope than "Burn After Reading." The feeling of dread that I'm getting has more to do with the Coens' signature habit of anticlimax. I'm guessing Baird Whitlock is just going to wander back into the studio at the end, and then a cameraman will smoke a cigarette and

No, not Janey Briggs! Look, she has paint on her overalls, and glasses! Glasses!

not my Margo

Also, having a character introduced while in a mental clinic is about as lazy as it gets. Don't bother writing dialogue for him that gradually reveals his disposition. Just pan to a huge sign that says "MENTAL CLINIC."

But have you ever read The New York Times…. on weeeeed?

Hard to think of a better place to see them. Man, I love Pappy & Harriet's, and the High Desert in general.

"…further proved that the band could hold their own with MTV stars like Michael Jackson."
Sorry, but '80s MJ was unfuckwittable.

I'm old. Can someone explain "goals" to me?

My friend out in LA periodically sends me blurry photos of his John Frusciante sightings. He's like the Venice Yeti.

Did you guys hear that new Pete Seeger kazoo-only tribute album that can only be played on a Pono?

Exactly. This point is underscored by the lyric "Now your northern n*******'s a Negro." As if by having a slightly different word for them, the North is off the hook.

At a live show in Minneapolis (one of those northern cities where most of the black people are confined to one shitty sector), Randy invited an audience sing-a-long during Rednecks, and the discomfort was palpable. It really is a work of genius.

If you ever get a chance to see him live, do not pass it up. Best stage banter I've ever heard. You can also check out Live in London for an example.

OMM is a branch of the American Family Association, which is designated as a hate group by the SPLC (for promoting terrible things happening to the gays, for example). Therefore, newswire may as well report that the Klan gave Barber Shop 2 a D- review.

"We gathered in the engine house…and there was a FIREFIGHT!!!!"

Not to sound callous, but I definitely thought he'd been dead for years.

I don't think many people actively disliked it. It just seems like it was kind of forgotten. I, for one, had forgotten about it, until I heard a couple tracks in a bar last year and asked the bartender what we were listening to, thinking it must have been some lost QOTSA or Desert Session tracks I hadn't heard. Then I