The Molten Dream of Justice

Opinion: Them Crooked Vultures was underrated.

I know nothing about this show. Worth checking out?

Not a film, but my favorite moment from Fringe is the montage set to "The Man Who Sold the World."

It's nothing mindblowing, but it's good low-key hang-out music, in that it sounds pretty and features Big Boi in smooth-as-silk mode. Just skip the Skrillex track.

Hi, Internet, here's some more info from Martin himself — 15 goddamn years ago.

I chuckled a couple of times during this. Maybe it was good, but I couldn't stop thinking about how Key & Peele did an Undercover Boss sketch so much better.

"Sad But True"

Yeah, I don't really understand the appeal. I mean, it's got the word "goat" right in there. I like goats as much as the next guy, but I don't want to bang or be one.

Leftmost guy's goatee is real but bad. Center-left guy's goatee is fake but pretty cool-looking.

Ugh, Fallon. He really can't do anything without injecting his tired "hip-hop recontextualized is inherently funny" shtick into it.

Holy shit. Approximately 1.3 seconds, that's how far I got.

I love when people are surprised that a successful entertainer can do entertaining things. Show me Malala Yousafzai doing that verse, and then I'll be impressed.

Get an eye patch, man. Get. an. eye. patch.

I really have no idea what he's going for there. It's like roadkill that he didn't even bother to skin before using it as a hairpiece. Just straight from roadside to head.

Next up: POD's "Southtown" sung by 127 Broadway performers.

George: You want to buy a computer?
Elaine: No thanks.
George: There's porn!
Elaine: Even so.

Complaining about the price is all part of the "experience."

Without Premium, though, you give up a lot of control in sequencing, can't listen offline (huge for flying), and have to deal with purposefully obnoxious ads.

I'm in a $0.99/month trial of Spotify Premium right now, and I'll probably pay the full amount after the trial is over. As someone who remembers spending $18 on a CD that might turn out to be 80% shitty because you couldn't listen to it beforehand, I fully appreciate the ability to listen to virtually any recording

I thought Jack White would be the obvious choice. "See that? That's called ka-ra-tay. Only two kinds of people know that… the Chinese and the King."