The Molten Dream of Justice

I know character testimony isn't allowed in this situation, but it's fun to imagine Hannibal doing his Cosby bit from the witness stand.

The guards will constantly be telling him to pull up his pants, because prison pants don't fit very well and he won't be allowed a belt due to suicide risk.

eww… but okay, yeah, you get my like.

Man, I'm a little nervous about the timing of the charge. I'm hoping this isn't, "We don't have much solid evidence yet, but we're going ahead anyway to beat the clock just so we can put a charge on this smug fuckweasel." I really hope they have enough of a case to make it count.

Used to boo-da-liddle then a little meddle-whiddle ben a biddle bop more and mow-ow-owr / just keep tryna get a biddle-bunny-bunny more money than befow-ow-owr!

Doesn't have "Jesus" in the title, so it didn't come up in their lazy-ass Google search.

hideous comma?

"Hey, here's an idea for an article. Let's make a big-ass list celebrating a bunch of white people for doing something that legendary black artists have been doing better for years, and we'll purposely exclude the black genres because nobody cares about them on this site."

breast milk, you make my day-ee-ay!

Wings was absolutely essential to my understanding of Nantucket culture and migrant cabby life. It's long overdue for one of those lame reunions on Fallon. I'd be impressed if they dug up Roy.

It's a strange feeling to simultaneously enjoy an artist's music and wish for his brand of lyrical content to fall out of favor.

I love that song. Not knowing all of the Springsteen references, I've always just thought of it as a goofy cousin of Dylan's Hurricane. Long-ass story song set in New Jersey.

I could only get like a minute in. Please, internet video directors of the world, enough with the fucking jump cuts.

Ah, got it. Apologies for my hasty misreading!

Yes, Sanders and Trump both attract support from the left and right extremes respectively, but Sanders hasn't built that support by loudly parroting redneck bumper sticker slogans the way Trump has. He's making reasoned and impassioned arguments in favor of social justice and true equality, and if you knew anything at

You can be forgiven for having a cynical view of presidential campaigns. I get it. But nothing in the actual video comes off as pandering or calculated on Bernie's part. It's not like he's trying to get black votes so that he can turn around and screw them once he's elected. These are the issues he genuine cares about

Watched the GOP debate last night, and all I could think was, "These aren't people. They're characters. They're carefully crafted personas. Fuck these guys."

I just recently started looking into bone conduction headphones as an alternative to letting music punch me square in the ear drums all day. Seems pretty cool, like the music is coming from INSIDE YOUR BRAIN.

I mean, it's cool that the Boss learned ASL, but couldn't they have found someone else for that job? And what are deaf people doing at a concert?