The Molten Dream of Justice

I scooped up a sweet vintage Scrabble board from the Hopkins Goodwill back in the day. Still works like new, still smells like Hopkins.

Future Kanye lyric:

Prediction: Bo Bergdahl murdered Hae Min Lee, and Jay probably helped.

I mean, this whole site is predicated on taking things too seriously. That said…

As someone who rarely picks up first edition hardcovers, it's hard to vote for best book of 2015. I'm also a slow reader, so I'm always behind on what's new. Best book I read this year was "Ghost Wars" by Steve Coll, which came out in fucking 2004.

Sophisticated adults and pushy frat boys have a strikingly similar way of "flirting." I'm not saying that the original writers of the song had any intentions of being creepy. They were just writing a fun song for their time. But sadly "the roofie generation" knows far too much about the realities of unwanted advances

My hopes for the rest of the week's picks:

I think they're just calling this Holiday HateSongs because usually Hear This features songs that the writer enjoys and wants others to enjoy, but this week they'll feature songs to be shat upon, a la HateSongs.

Most definitely. The script is basically a Wikipedia page sprinkled with bits of "what are we really fighting for?" platitudes. I guess the beards don't really "ruin" the movie. They actually provide the only real entertainment.

Do fake beards count? Because holy shit, "Gettysburg."

A few favorites of mine that didn't make the list (though I dig a lot of AV Club's list):