I drive by a new planned parenthood on the way to work. I have to see these fuckers at least twice a day. I wish I could strap some crowd control pepper spray to the miata and a fuck you button on the dash.
What do we want?!
And that some of the men have pressured women into having abortions, or at the very least enthusiastically supported their choice to have one. The only moral abortion is my abortion. Every damned time.
Bloody hell, as soon as the audio came on my reaction was ‘Oh, For fuck’s sake’. Fuck these assholes. Planned Parenthood is often the first-and many times the only-port of call for women to get access to decent lady care. FUCK THESE ASSHOLES. Time to start a nationwide protest against the stupidity that drives this…
I guaran-damn-tee that at least some of the women, maybe even a lot of the women, at these protests have had an abortion. Maybe even through Planned Parenthood.
If I had a quarter for every person who says I should get this procedure done on my hair I would be rich enough to run on the Republican ticket. I have NO idea what people have against curly hair. It isn’t like I’m growing snakes or tentacles from my scalp and my curls sure as hell won’t give me cancer.
to be fair, it was a dumb “buzz-y” way to make her point
Its a gendered stereotype that is absolute bullshit, and the fact that anyone says anything about Hillarys appearance is just nonsense. However, I think it’s more important for idiot reporters to NOT ask stupid questions than it is to make sure you’re asking BOTH genders stupid questions. The question was stupid and…
The broader issue here is that the entire Jezebel staff is possessed
Second exorcism article I’ve read today on this site. How the FUCK is this even a thing that people believe in, let alone participate in?!
We live in a society where people still perform exorcisms.
The U.S. of A: Now striving to be on Cambodia’s level!
Because history shows us that when we allow companies freedom to choose to do the right thing, they always come through, amirite?
That prancing ninnyhammer is about as bright as a black hole and twice as dense.
No see, they don’t think maternity leave needs to be a thing. Women folk should just leave the job having to the mens (except teachering, nursing, and secretary jobs for those that haven’t yet found husbands) and should be home having/taking care of the babies. No need for maternity leave if you don’t have a job.
“it was “hypocritical” for the “government to tell others how to do things when the government hasn’t gotten its basic house in order.”
I don’t know what republicans want. They don’t want women to be able to have babies they don’t want woman to be able to avoid having babies.