
The “right to be forgotten” is poorly conceived and the fact that people try and confuse it with the right to privacy is even more confounding. The people who thought that de-listing search queries is a good idea, are at best simpletons.

Wife: If only he could make everything look that hard.

Abortionists are cold-blooded. They won't show up on the display.

Don’t leave out Obama who has been begging like a dog for this to be reauthorized. And of course Hillary who voted for it twice as a senator.

I recall a time prior to 9/11 when the mere thought of something like The “Patriot Act” was abhorrent to every single American.

I actually see this as a National Security issue if you want the truth. If Creationism is allowed to be taught as ‘fact’ then our students will fail to learn critical thinking, actual science, and as a result, reduce America’s ability research, innovate and fully participate in the Global Economy.

I actually had a student this semester who mentioned Dr. Oz during a discussion, and I had no clue WTF he was talking about. After I found out, we had a long discussion about scientific methodology, and it was all I could take to keep from just saying "Are you a fucking idiot?"

Create a roadblock that wasn't there before for the sole purpose of charging people to remove it. False convenience, the worst kind of business.