
The IRS has three methods of communicating: 1.) Mail 2.) Certified mail 3.) Seizing your assets.

Breeding dogs to have physical deformities that cause them pain, discomfort or a shortened life is disgusting and inhumane.

This is fascism under the cover of anti-vax. Which is disturbing that it works.

You do you...

Nobody wants more Ghostbusters. I think that has been proven. Nobody can save it. 

Trump just violated North Carolina’s new incitement statute.

I think that other social media platforms should preemptively re-ban Trump. You know if he gets arrested, he’s going to blow up Twitter and Facebook in a horrific call to action for his domestic terrorist sycophants. 

Do non-compete agreements next!

No sex, no alcohol, no drugs, no car. It is hardly surprising that they are obsessed with death. If you take those away from me, I’d want to die too.

Take a tablespoon of peanut butter and rub it in your hair. Now, use a paper towel to clean that peanut butter out of your hair.

How to bypass 100% of Instagram ads: Don’t use Instagram. 

When in doubt, it’s a scam. You don’t have to know why or how.

Blame the economy for layoffs resulting from a massive management fuck up!

It’s sadly ironic that Trump is using his violation of Federal election laws to pay off a sex worker as a reason to ask for (and get) campaign donations.

I like to store my dryer lint next to some oily rags by a heat source. 

It tastes like Bruce Springsteen’s dick after he plays “Born in the USA”.

What’s your secret to a really amazing aspic?

Alex should remember that the cover-up can be as illegal (and painful) as the crime and judges don’t like defendants that try to hide assets from the parents of dead children. 

I’ll wager that somewhere on TikTok there is a video promoting all ten of these as “Easy Home Remedies That You Should Be Using Today!”

On behalf of my three dogs, “Not a chance...”